
An old boss of mine had this on a cross stitch of a desert that he had commissioned someone to make for him. It was in his office and every day I would dream of ways to steal it.

So what you’re saying is that you support a company that treats its employees like garbage because you want to support the employees? Reasoning fail.

“It’s not bigotry”... followed by spewage of bigotry.

Radio Cab FTW!

And that is precisely why I have never given Uber a single penny and I have never ridden in an Uber someone else paid for. FUCK UBER.

Thank you for your service!

So what you’re saying is that you are unfamiliar with the concept of direct action or the many historical victories in which it has played a vital role? Did your school get its textbooks from Texas?

That point of view simply fuels your desire to blame only one small slice of people whose actions led to the situation we’re in. Reductivism in action.

Yup. Totally not that 6+ million who voted for him nor the millions who didn’t vote.

Also, I forcefully disagree with the Hillary went too far left because of that asshole Bernie and lost the Rust Belt. Centrism has not been working well for the Dems. Obama is one recent success story in a sea of blue losses.

Our experiences obviously differ. I saw a lot of Clinton supporters who saw even the slightest glimmer of discomfiture and pounced on it and the person, accusing them of ruining the message. And I would think that hearing from people about their concerns is exactly what you want to do when crafting effective

It was usually in response to someone here nuking me for deigning to not be an enthusiastic supporter. And I’m not talking about trade secrets or illegal activity but instead a culture and approach that, in some instances, was very slimy. I was also quick to point out that friends who worked for her at State have been

Her awards season red carpetry is going to be EPIC.

Electricity demand has actually been decreasing and that trend is poised to continue, including in the west. You get brown-outs from load imbalances - spikes in demand at specific times. Google the duck curve. This is why everyone is working on how best to integrate intermittent renewables into the grid at higher

There is a huge push as the state level for transportation electrification and while there is now great uncertainty with respect to federal policy, those state incentives aren’t going away any time soon. Just look at California - they already have some of the best EV charging infrastructure and now they’re spending a

It’s a grab-bag term, meant to be an insult, and used against a variety of people. What do you want us to call it? Bitch is a slur too and I’m all too familiar with that being used against me as a woman. I see no daylight between that and “bernie bro.”

I would also suggest that there were plenty of voters who voted for Bernie in the primary and then were told by the more vociferous of HRC supporters, here and elsewhere, SUCK IT UP BUTT BOYZ and IF YOU DON’T LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER YOU’RE A MISOGYNIST TROLL AND HAVE NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS. So while I applaud

And those who didn’t vote.

Bernie Bro = anyone that these guys don’t agree with and who may not have supported HRC to the correct amount at any time in the past two years.

THANK you for posting! I carried this banner for awhile but I’ve simply given up in the face of this especially pernicious bullshit.