FWIW I microwave chinese takeout containers all the time, metal handles and all. Just gotta make sure the handle is folded down, not sticking up above the highest point of the container. Never had an issue.
FWIW I microwave chinese takeout containers all the time, metal handles and all. Just gotta make sure the handle is folded down, not sticking up above the highest point of the container. Never had an issue.
Hubby makes linguine with clam sauce every year for a family Yankee Swap party. He uses frozen clams (in juice), which can usually be found in the little freezer right by the seafood counter at the grocery store. Better than canned, easier than fresh/in-the-shell. He also includes tomatoes (diced fresh, cooked just…
My peppermint meringues do not taste medicinal at all. Obviously it’s not like you really need *another* cookie recipe, but if you were interested in trying again here’s the recipe I got from Grandma/Mom. Little mini candy canes chopped in a cuisinart are the best way of doing the “crushed peppermint candy.” They turn…
My German grandma did these but with pecans instead of walnuts, and called them “pecan fingers” (finger shapes being easier to roll/form than crescents). I feel like pecans would have a similar oil/moisture content to walnuts and probably come out about the same.
A three-martini lunch back then didn’t involve 2018-sized martini glasses, though. I’m pretty sure the serving sizes used to be much smaller.
I’ve never actually met Norm, but live in central MA and have seen him at so many beer fests and beer dinners and other events around the state. The beer scene around here will miss him but I certainly wish him the best of luck in getting healthy.
One of my bigger reactions in this episode was “Never underestimate the fucking receptionist, asshole!” I may have some residual issues to work through from previous jobs.
The “specialty” beer type stores will probably sell out quickly, but check mid-size stores that aren’t necessarily known for their beer selection. Because they’re owned by InBev, they’ll often distribute even the variants to stores that sell a lot of Bud/Bud Light etc., and sometimes they sit on the shelves there for…
One of my cousin’s kids got plastic vampire fangs in their bag. Which wouldn’t be so bad, but these were obviously already used, judging by the gross food stuck in the grooves...
I have an old “chocolate-peanut butter bon-bon” recipe from my mom (who probably got it from her mom) that we make at Christmas time. It involves peanut butter, butter, graham cracker crumbs, powdered sugar, and a little bit of coconut to hold it all together (in 1-inch balls). Then you chill and coat the bonbons in…
Any company that has more than $100k in federal contracts will keep doing it in order to maintain compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act.
Well, it needs to be closer to internal body temperature, you see. Every time I’ve needed to do a drug test at work, that’s the first thing they check when you come out of the bathroom.
In my city (which is pronounced Lemon-stir even if it’s not spelled that way) the cops make it a point to stop and buy lemonade from every kid-run stand they see. They post pictures all summer long on their Facebook page. Positive interactions between the police and the community. It’s nice.
This sounds like the kind of “backronym” that we’re going to see an entry for on snopes.com soon. Similar to the urban legend that “tips” stands for “to insure prompt service” (it doesn’t). Besides, I always thought that the original club was turkey, not chicken?
If you go to https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/edit you can disable recommendations for a shelf. I wish you could do it on a per-book basis, but alas the only way to do that is to make sure it’s only on shelves that get no recommendations, which doesn’t really work for me.
I have heard the one-bite rule before, but I often have to make a decision whether it is more of a faux pas to take my roll or nigiri in two bites, or to stuff my mouth so full that I look like a chipmunk who can barely chew at all. I usually choose to take two bites.
My husband’s family did a cookbook as a bit of a fundraiser for their first big reunion back in 2006ish. It was nice to get all those family recipes that people would bring to potlucks every year. We use it at least a couple times a year.
Hubby and I are regulars at several places (we go out to eat too much). Some of the bartenders know our names because they made an effort to find out early. But there are places we’ve been going to for YEARS that don’t know our names at all (or especially, *my* name since hubby usually pays with his card).. we’re very…
THANK you. I was going to say, I dunno what game that is but it is DEFINITELY not Candy Crush.
If I’m with a group and don’t have a chance to request separate checks at the beginning of the meal, I’ll always just ask the server how they would prefer we handle it. Sometimes they’ll say “Oh, it’s easy to split in the computer, no problem,” sometimes they say “Can you just write on the slip how much you want each…