I saw this last year when Mrs. Cuckoo was in the hospital for some bad stuff (she’s better thanks). A buddy of mine asked me what I was doing to distract myself, and I said nothing. He suggested I watch Kung Fu Hustle. If nothing else, he said, you’ll get a big laugh out of it. I did. And a lot more. Movie’s…
Value = basis of sound policy = Nil
Logical breakdown. Fringe mofos with a pipe into the media, inflating their importance, relevance, message. Everyone smells money in the water. The collateral damage done to the country in the process is irrelevant since these guys belong to a class that shields them from their own bullshit, but the rest of us suffer.
Y’all do know who financed, armed, and justified many of those ‘corrupt regemes’, don’t you? We do it to ourselves and blame the fuckwad with the bad hair.
The Hoover Scrub Washer thingy is great. Except for one thing: it weighs 11,000 pounds. If you’ve got stairs and a stain to scrub, buy a weightlifting belt or keep the lights off in the stairwell.
The Hoover Scrub Washer thingy is great. Except for one thing: it weighs 11,000 pounds. If you’ve got stairs and a…
Why is he a ‘funnyman’? He’s a ‘comedian’. Funnyman is so schticky-a-guy-on-the-street-said-he-hadn’t-had-a-bite-in-a-week-so-I-bit-him.
Howsabout AT&T?
Howsabout AT&T?
I read a few years ago you really can only buy you own modem if your ISP is providing only internet. If you have your phone service bundled with your internet package, then you have to use the company-provided router (mostly due to 911 requirements). Anyone heard any differently?
I read a few years ago you really can only buy you own modem if your ISP is providing only internet. If you have…
What he said... except I went for Linux Mint. Ubuntu’s need for neon colors gives me the ache. Mint’s Cinnamon desktop is much easier on the eyes, IMHO.
Contact your local FBI office. They should be able to provide you with the information you’re seeking.
Thank you. I don’t work as a server anymore, but in the last 10 years Mrs. Cuckoo and I have been to any number of eatieries in this fine nation of ours and the majority of ape werewolf children has escalated significantly. And the number of parents who don’t interject when their kid starts with a GIMMIE or I WANNA…
Gonna try that one, thanks.
Whoa. $30 for the PRO package?
In the eyes of the GOP, this is the same thing...
https://developer.github.com/v3/ - The API specification
I guess you could... write one...