Heh. The baby Jason Bateman one.
Heh. The baby Jason Bateman one.
Chuck seems like he has the personality of drywall, but I can’t help but feel bad for him. He seems like a fella who was born forty years too late, just in general.
My three female third grade teachers and at least half my mom’s friends got the Diana haircut in 1981. And then I tried it in 1982, and I looked like one of the orphans on Little House on the Prairie. I should have predicted that.
Bey is known for reffering. She is the best of the reffers, in my humble opinion.
Let ‘em hate, if it means that awesome makeup dress stays available until my paycheck comes in. I’ll take the haters’ share of fabulous.
“It’s not a microphone!”
I would totally smoke a bowl with Roseanne. You know she has good stuff. Although I bet she’s one of those smokers that holds on to the bowl for half an hour while they ramble on.
I drove my boss and a co-worker from Las Vegas to Tampa, FL this past fall, and I can not agree with you more. Houston is a black hole. I drove through rush hour traffic in at least ten major US cities during that trip, and Houston was, by far, the worst part. I thought I was never getting off that highway.
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense, and I appreciate the explanation. I was snarkier than I meant to be above.
Does this mean Giggles and Jane are folding? I can’t see Time, inc. trying to juggle three publications with the same target demo.
I get that ballet is a very tough world with very particular standards for what kind of body/feet/hips a successful dancer must possess, but I can’t help but wonder if some of these gatekeeping techniques are the reason ballet is as diverse as a snowbank. As I recall, Misty Copeland was told she was all wrong, too.
Thank god the Buzzfeed Woke Bae movement is finally giving white dudes the cookies they’ve been denied for so long. It took time to write those tweets, guys. They had to think thoughts and stuff, and remember not to write dumb shit. If we don’t acknowledge and reward that, they might turn into piles of salt or…
I started late, at about 27, and I’ve never made great money. I’m 44 now, and I think I’m on track. I’m not going to retire at 65, or in luxury of any sort, but I think I’ll be okay. This isn’t coming out as reassuring as I meant it to...
Undecided voters in the general, perhaps, but not the primaries, which is what OP is talking about. They haven’t decided between Clinton and Sanders. I haven’t either, and it has nothing do do with who I’d rather have a beer with. I like both candidates, it’s a tough choice.
I thought it was a tat of herself, which gave me pause.
That’s my thought, too! Aside from the terrible name, it looks just like all the other prints. 1980s Miami florals gone very wrong.
I’d hit it. Just for the smirk of justice.
Law & Fukin’ is my favorite show, too!
We are all that girl in pink boots who’s totes over Carly.
Seriously. This is my work environment right now. They don’t give a hoot about labor laws, they never get enforced anyway, and I certainly don’t have a few grand sitting around to try to sue for my rights. And I’m in pretty good shape, compared to a whole lot of people.