
i was hoping he would chose to stay an observer *because* of love: giving up his love for his daughter in order to revenge her. way more interesting than his wife simply blackmailing him into 'if you love me you do this for me' in a scene that comes straight from any soap-opera you've ever seen (with the woman more

i was hoping he would chose to stay an observer *because* of love: giving up his love for his daughter in order to revenge her. way more interesting than his wife simply blackmailing him into 'if you love me you do this for me' in a scene that comes straight from any soap-opera you've ever seen (with the woman more

my thoughts on it are that they are deliberately trying to keep a small circle, since one traitor could be enough to bring the whole thing down. and anil and his team are doing the same: only interacting with other resistance-teams when it it absolutely necessary.

my thoughts on it are that they are deliberately trying to keep a small circle, since one traitor could be enough to bring the whole thing down. and anil and his team are doing the same: only interacting with other resistance-teams when it it absolutely necessary.

i hated the hypocrisy: olivia gets to look down at feelings and intuition and be all 'the observers are just better at math', but when peter tries to use their math against them she makes what seems like a 180 degrees turn and is suddenly 'no no, if we use math we lose our humanity'.
i also disliked that there is zero

i hated the hypocrisy: olivia gets to look down at feelings and intuition and be all 'the observers are just better at math', but when peter tries to use their math against them she makes what seems like a 180 degrees turn and is suddenly 'no no, if we use math we lose our humanity'.
i also disliked that there is zero

while autists of course come in all shapes and sizes i thought they were overdoing it a bit: a woman who randomly blurts out all her feelings and walks of somehow also holds down a very responsible government job? i know some autists who work as professors and other 'big jobs' (hope to one day land a nice job myself,

while electric cars are indeed a bit unpractical for long journeys most people use their cars primarily to commute to work. how much people do you know that live more than an hour-and-a-half away from work?
electric cars are also used more and more as (rental) cars in urban regions. or in combination

stupid 'mericans: grading goes from 1 (for showing up and correctly writing your own name) to 10 (everything correct).
5.5 is the watershed for failure/pass (and 5.45 does not round up to 5.5 you lazy students). 0 is a placeholder for either fraud or for not showing up.
most teachers will decide in advance on grading

make up your mind: first vegans are not going far enough, then they are going totally over the top and making irresponsible food-buying decisions.

maybe that is because when it's for moral reasons you have to consider the possibility that they might have a point. and that you show a lack of willpower by not following their example (and apparently you derive some feelings of moral inferiority from that).

i suspect he wouldn't make them, just rubber-stamp his name on it. because he's some kind of new george lucas and all the stupid fan-boys will eat up anything he has touched (or at least that is how i think hollywood executices regard abrams)

i'm an abrams-fan, but the dude is terrible at planning ahead (see:lost. and fringe was also starting to show signs of 'making it up along the way').
just give him ONE franchise at a time, and leave the rest to all the other talented science fiction writers out there.

i suppose it depends a bit on the kind of company you're in debt with. a small company might not keep enough reserves to pay for this kind of event, or maybe they want to make a big point out of 'not getting screwed over by customers'.

i suppose it depends a bit on the kind of company you're in debt with. a small company might not keep enough reserves to pay for this kind of event, or maybe they want to make a big point out of 'not getting screwed over by customers'.

it's one of those figures people try to inflate: the teacher says he makes 'x per credit', the whore says she makes 'x per hour'. and then they fail to mention it's only a parttime job without much room for expansion. (but pretend they actually make 40x the hourly rate, or at least could make that as soon as they stop

while i appreciate a blunt 'so tell me, what did you do wrong to end up so poor?', i think what you're suggesting could quickly turn the whole thing into a political manifesto (with everybody screaming in the comments about how good/bad/socialist/capitalist america/europe/russia/etc are)

i second all the above: keep it up. 
show us some of the realities of life as an artist instead of just the nice polished backstory: where 'being poor' is traditionally treated as just a short phase you go through in college in order to 'build character', rather than an unpleasant and humiliating day-to-day reality for

in general i agree that pulp tends to outsell the über-complicated stories.

that's true in a lot more professions than just writing: if you are the only one willing to get dirty hands (symbolically or literally) you tend to have a leg up in salary negotiations.
just think of the way the salary for plumbers and garbage-collectors has grown as compared to that of the college-educated crowd who