
I'm trusting wikipedia over discovery…
While some snakes have killed humans a fully-grown adult is to large to be eaten (and i'm guessing any kind of 'protective gear' makes you even bigger).


My biggest problem was that the characterization (specifically of the doctor) felt all over-the-place. One episode he flies away in his tardis, the other he stays and fights? One episode Clara tells the doctor to piss off, the next they are best buddies again? Make a huge deal out of the space-chicken dying, or coldly

That feels incorrect: Missy might be a woman now, but i don't feel she is a 'transgender' in the human sense, so she would have self-identified as male when she was Saxon (and look back on that incarnation as 'he').

you say 'wrong', i say 'interesting'.

Yeah, i'm not sure how one would even expect to deal with 'a huge, sad, disquieting topic' every other episode. If dead is common on your show it _will_ eventually become a cheap plot-trick.
The only thing to keep some gravitas than is not treat it *too* casually, like no 'funny dead scenes' or something. But you

i very much liked to see a female soldier who is believable and not some weird sexual fetish: no 100-pound 'river tam' who knocks out guys three times her size, nor 'xena' the pumped up bodybuilding queen. 
there is a refreshing lack of 'the warrior pulling of his helmet to reveal a waterfall of long blond hair' (no

there is also a competing theory that says we now eat more vitamines than ever before (because of all the fresh food we have access to year-round) and that this is pretty good for us and the main reason for our much longer life-expectancy. 
there really isn't that much

if we want to feed all humans on earth than we cannot rely solely on cute highly-inefficient bio-organic farms where all crops are harvested by hand and the one cow can freely roam about.

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus and every other carnivore has a short miserable life.

wikipedia seems to be back up (with about half of the page about his music and the other half about his book).

i actually know a lot of people like that: they KNOW they are a disorganized mess, so they are totally anal about money and saving as a way of self-protection. have a savings-account they WILL NOT TOUCH.

I did one day of work and made almost $50,000 that year.

i'm totally on your side in hating spurlock.
his so-called documentary was only a self-congratulatory mcdonalds hate-fest, with zero concern for actual facts or any opinion beyond 'macdonalds is a sinister capitalist tree-destroying monstrosity kept in business by stupid fatties who stuff their face all day and are

so your pint is: 'these poor well-meaning naive liberals with all their facts just don't understand that republicans are stupid and easily-manipulated'.
which is precisely what i hate about much documentaries: they are dumbed down to 'we intellectuals with our facts against them easily-manipulated idiots with their

definitely a big problem when rating documentaries: do you chose the movie with the most urgent message, or the one with the best cinematic qualities.
if the former: is that really what an award should be for? every activist-doc will be about an issue important to the people who made it, so how could a stranger

on a related note: i dislike it when filmmakers are always toting around their latest project as 'the best and most emotionally rewarding movie i have ever made' when it is pretty clear to everyone that he was just there to collect a paycheck.
the problem is that we are being tought that we should never scold at

maybe the acadamy was finally fed up with YET ANOTHER aids-movie.
i mean: for a few years making movies about aids was as sure to get you accolades as making a movie about the holocaust or the disabled (just don't go full retard).

i think documentary-makers and artsy filmmakers have the idea in common that their chosen genre is by definition on the opposite side of 'entertaining'. that they therefore HAVE to chose between 'being intellectually pleasing' and 'being viscerally pleasing', that every movie is one or the other. and that therefore

i think there is a huge difference between documentaries that are meant to stir you up politically, and those that are mostly meant to inform.