
the other characters slowly evolve and learn and relapse etc.
but franklin gets himself almost killed, and BOOM he's instantly cured of his previous character-flaws (addiction, arrogance, etc).

the other characters slowly evolve and learn and relapse etc.
but franklin gets himself almost killed, and BOOM he's instantly cured of his previous character-flaws (addiction, arrogance, etc).

too little asians in science fiction? keep in mind they only make up some 6% of the usa-population, so having more than that percentage in usa-produced shows is just as bad in the equal-opportunities way.
i'm pretty sure bollywood isn't overflowing with non-asian actors

too little asians in science fiction? keep in mind they only make up some 6% of the usa-population, so having more than that percentage in usa-produced shows is just as bad in the equal-opportunities way.
i'm pretty sure bollywood isn't overflowing with non-asian actors

you make some good points: especially about her being grossly out of touch with her own people, and her being an arrogant religious fanatic (having those traits all show up in the same person seems pretty realistic, based on real-life fanatics).

you make some good points: especially about her being grossly out of touch with her own people, and her being an arrogant religious fanatic (having those traits all show up in the same person seems pretty realistic, based on real-life fanatics).

he's german: they have been financially responsible for decades and got shit from the rest of the eu for 'slow economic growth'. now all those big spenders are broke and are demanding germany be a good boy and bail them out.
there's a bit of resentment over that in germany.

he's german: they have been financially responsible for decades and got shit from the rest of the eu for 'slow economic growth'. now all those big spenders are broke and are demanding germany be a good boy and bail them out.
there's a bit of resentment over that in germany.

…..who learn how important it is to remain close to friends and relatives that are routinely taking advantage of racial inequalities.

…..who learn how important it is to remain close to friends and relatives that are routinely taking advantage of racial inequalities.

by being in a picture?

by being in a picture?

teen-pregnancy. rather unpopular in continental europe.

teen-pregnancy. rather unpopular in continental europe.

he actually doesn't get mad all that often in the weekly comics. a lazy duck who ends every story in a burst of anger would get old pretty quick.
no way anybody would brag about their 60-year-and-counting subscription to the magazine if its main character was just some one-dimensional idiot with a high voice and bad

he actually doesn't get mad all that often in the weekly comics. a lazy duck who ends every story in a burst of anger would get old pretty quick.
no way anybody would brag about their 60-year-and-counting subscription to the magazine if its main character was just some one-dimensional idiot with a high voice and bad

as someone who has quit a few pounds on *everyone* i am tired of having to restrain myself, no matter how rude or offensive the other person is, because i KNOW that i will be the aggressive maniac hitting the poor underdog.

as someone who has quit a few pounds on *everyone* i am tired of having to restrain myself, no matter how rude or offensive the other person is, because i KNOW that i will be the aggressive maniac hitting the poor underdog.