
homosexuality is frowned upon among conservative hindus. 
but nowadays some hindu-gay activists point out that those 2 gay guys might have been a married straight couple in a former life, so that would make it some kind of eternal love and romantic rather than yucky.

homosexuality is frowned upon among conservative hindus. 
but nowadays some hindu-gay activists point out that those 2 gay guys might have been a married straight couple in a former life, so that would make it some kind of eternal love and romantic rather than yucky.

after the thetans showed him the way to the fountain of youth he needs a continuous youth-upgrade of the woman on his arm.

after the thetans showed him the way to the fountain of youth he needs a continuous youth-upgrade of the woman on his arm.

things were so much more interesting in hollywood when famous male movie-stars had to lie about being gay: now that nobody gives a fuck anymore all those 'actor X is gay' rumors have kinda lost their punch

things were so much more interesting in hollywood when famous male movie-stars had to lie about being gay: now that nobody gives a fuck anymore all those 'actor X is gay' rumors have kinda lost their punch

ayayay, sounds like depp is in that dangerous place where an actor can go from 'hollywood darling' to 'hollywood kryptonite' overnight.
if he wants to continue having a career he better pull himself together FAST

ayayay, sounds like depp is in that dangerous place where an actor can go from 'hollywood darling' to 'hollywood kryptonite' overnight.
if he wants to continue having a career he better pull himself together FAST

i suppose most of the things that made depp cool as a young guy are also things that tend to speed up aging: alcohol/drugs, no effort to eat right/work out/go to bed early, wearing insane amounts of make-up,etc

i suppose most of the things that made depp cool as a young guy are also things that tend to speed up aging: alcohol/drugs, no effort to eat right/work out/go to bed early, wearing insane amounts of make-up,etc

most puzzles exist only to give under-appreciated minimum-wage-slaves confirmation that they are secretly the smartest guy in the entire office. just biding their time until some professor comes along and writes out an 'unsolvable equation' on the office white-board and they can good-will-hunting the shit out of that

most puzzles exist only to give under-appreciated minimum-wage-slaves confirmation that they are secretly the smartest guy in the entire office. just biding their time until some professor comes along and writes out an 'unsolvable equation' on the office white-board and they can good-will-hunting the shit out of that

yes. and since the love went deep it's gonna be a messy divorce filled with lots of hot hate-sex and almost-reconciliations

yes. and since the love went deep it's gonna be a messy divorce filled with lots of hot hate-sex and almost-reconciliations

reminds me of how literature has become:
one book=debut
two books=oeuvre
three books=massive turning point in oeuvre

reminds me of how literature has become:
one book=debut
two books=oeuvre
three books=massive turning point in oeuvre

they need $90 million for depp's make-up and vanity-cgi

they need $90 million for depp's make-up and vanity-cgi

if 'midnight' was the introduction to g'kar/londo and 'soul' to delenn/sinclair than that might help explain why the latter felt a bit lacking.
both of those couples come from species that have recently been at war, so it makes sense for that war to spill over in the plot. but you can't do that for 2 episodes in a row,

if 'midnight' was the introduction to g'kar/londo and 'soul' to delenn/sinclair than that might help explain why the latter felt a bit lacking.
both of those couples come from species that have recently been at war, so it makes sense for that war to spill over in the plot. but you can't do that for 2 episodes in a row,