
i suppose the lack of reference was mostly done to avoid confusing new viewers.

i suppose the lack of reference was mostly done to avoid confusing new viewers.

while that episode was nice as a 'how does the rest of b5 live?', that scene was kinda stupid: if you don't know what your job actually is than how can you know if you're doing it right?

while that episode was nice as a 'how does the rest of b5 live?', that scene was kinda stupid: if you don't know what your job actually is than how can you know if you're doing it right?

all the talking about the bad special effects makes me wish babylon 5 will one day get the same kind of digital remastering as st:tos.
babylon 5 has never been a show that had to distract from major plotholes with some cool space-stuff, but that doesn't mean it won't benefit from a bit of an upgrade.

all the talking about the bad special effects makes me wish babylon 5 will one day get the same kind of digital remastering as st:tos.
babylon 5 has never been a show that had to distract from major plotholes with some cool space-stuff, but that doesn't mean it won't benefit from a bit of an upgrade.

there are a few male-for-female escorts and strippers out there. but i agree it's a way smaller market than female-for-male sex-workers. and also with a lot more clueless people trying to get in, apparently not understanding some very fundamental differences about male and female sex-workers: a 300-pound female

there are a few male-for-female escorts and strippers out there. but i agree it's a way smaller market than female-for-male sex-workers. and also with a lot more clueless people trying to get in, apparently not understanding some very fundamental differences about male and female sex-workers: a 300-pound female

or attributed to newspapers. which means 'taken from paid ad in newspaper'

or attributed to newspapers. which means 'taken from paid ad in newspaper'

if you use one hand to hack of the other than how are you going to hack of the second hand?

if you use one hand to hack of the other than how are you going to hack of the second hand?

your mom can text-message?
the best my mom can do is type just the sms-message itself after i've told the phone to send a sms to someone. emailing happens the same way.
o well, it does save on spoilers i suppose. and i don't have to worry about my mom delving into my 'absolutely not porn' folder on my computer.

your mom can text-message?
the best my mom can do is type just the sms-message itself after i've told the phone to send a sms to someone. emailing happens the same way.
o well, it does save on spoilers i suppose. and i don't have to worry about my mom delving into my 'absolutely not porn' folder on my computer.

you mean back then they released the commentary-track *before* the actual movie?

you mean back then they released the commentary-track *before* the actual movie?

agreed about 'if they couldn't even find 2 minutes of decent material for the trailer than the movie must really really suck'.

agreed about 'if they couldn't even find 2 minutes of decent material for the trailer than the movie must really really suck'.

i like trailers as an artform that is mostly separate from the movies they are supposed to represent. the way a single jingle or a few lines of song are usually different from an entire album.
sometimes the short form and long form line up, but usually they don't.

i like trailers as an artform that is mostly separate from the movies they are supposed to represent. the way a single jingle or a few lines of song are usually different from an entire album.
sometimes the short form and long form line up, but usually they don't.