
fuck off.
as others pointed out: this has shit all to do with religion. these people just like looking down on 'sluts'.

really, this american affirmative action thing continues to baffle me.
i may not belong to a minority, but apparently i could have scored some points by growing up with a single mother with little education and a life-time of being on welfare, who was constantly in trouble with child-protection.
because in the usa going

really, this american affirmative action thing continues to baffle me.
i may not belong to a minority, but apparently i could have scored some points by growing up with a single mother with little education and a life-time of being on welfare, who was constantly in trouble with child-protection.
because in the usa going

if you're a girl you got raped by the indians during your captivity.

if you're a girl you got raped by the indians during your captivity.

if this mean they've changed back from their decision to make true blood into a full-fledged porno than i'm happy.

i liked the worm-hole creatures because i like aliens that are truly, well, alien (same for odo: finally a regular character that is not 'human with strange ears')
but the conversation went on for too long, especially considering that it was the pilot. and it bothered on turning into one of those vague 'stoner'


i think the 4th season was good enough, though very uneven because of the split in 2 half-seasons. (last 3 minutes? they don't exists good sir)

in all fairness i think the b'leanna thing wasn't that more stupid than spock learning to embrace his human side *over and over and over again, and see you back next week*.
at least b'lennea had some character-arc in getting in a relationship and getting preggers (and of

now you're just being cruel

i strongly recommend doing B-5 before voyager or enterprise

babylon 5 was doing the 'season-long arc' before ds9 (and then every other scifi show out there) finally figured out a good show with good writers might benefit from the lack of a reset-button.

put your account on an endless 2-minute loop and wait 2 years for your psycho-follower to notice

the kardashians exist.
you need any further evidence there is no such thing as evolution?

that would have been a bit untactful

because wanting to protect your brother from the electric chair is obviously not enough motivation? only creepy incest-love would provide that motivation?

society didn't 'stop' incestuous relationships, and i certainly hope incest-couples aren't planning on going the pedophile-route: 'we are just the next gays: repressed by a sex-hating society'

that's the most frustrating part: there are so many opportunities for a better story, for big questions about immortality, for moral ambiguity. but they choose not to do any of that.

in ds9 worf is finally something more than the big uncivilized guy who stands around in the background and can fire torpedoes and fight with a bath'leh and not much else.