
it reminded me way to much of all the bs with the prime directive: depending on plot-necessities the directive is either defended tooth and nail or completely forgotten about

i think you are right: what makes wrath of khan so good is that it's one of the few startrek stories were actions have real consequences.
kirk has a son, spock dies, kahn hates him.

i'm a woman and for me he's just a watered down version of spock.

i don't really care about head-scarves or similar 'religious symbols' on the streets.
i associate burqas far more with white girls who became muslim because of some teenage-rebellion nonsense than with born-and-raised 'actual' muslims. which is why it's the garment that gives me the strongest 'terrorist' vibes

as someone from the netherlands i have the idea that france is just a bomb of social unrest waiting to go off.
you have all the same problems with (muslim) minorities we have, but a bit more extreme thanks to years of very-left-winged 'don't say anything bad about muslims or you're a racist'.
'they want to import 3

*someone not from the usa*

i've heart the theory from some historian (don't recall his name) who argued that colonies would typically cost more than they produced in long-term revenue. that it was much more about ego and 'all the other countries have colonies, so we must get some too'.
given that europe is doing relatively nice without its

@The Holy Hand Grenade
it's definitely true that it's about the way you deal with situations on a day-to-day basis. and not about your profession as such.

most lucrative is the commercial stuff (corporate takeovers, contract laws, etc) where you can at least take solace in knowing your opponents are just as big dicks as your boss.

i feel they did the sensible thing for a change.
the movie felt like an early x-files 2-parter: mulder&scully&small-town mystery. none of that 'government-wide alien conspiracy' subplot-that-never-pays-off.
felt like the best way to remind fans of why they once liked the show.
if they make another movie like that i can

i feel a lot of shows are better if you watch them whole-season on dvd than if you constantly have to wait for the next episode and time after time feel cheated on yet another cliffhanger that's not paying off

depends on what you just stuffed IN your colon

“[Blair] does not push responsibility for his actions onto anyone else, but seeks to explain how someone with talent and opportunity could fall from such great heights, primarily by his own hand.” Whoever wrote the book jacket copy apparently never read the text it ostensibly describes.

most seem to have ended as either crazy-christian or pseudo-buddhist (=got everything they know about buddhism out of a few books written by white guys who backpacked through south-east asia for a few months, while being stoned all the time).

whiny bitch? check
trying to look way younger than age? check

if they paid to other people than perhaps those other people had a stronger case and mcdonalds was just doing the reasonable en decent thing.

let's sue the water-companies. none of them ever warned me to add some cold water when showering

most movies are either 'for young people' or 'for some caricature of old people'.
no wonder granny is only watching them to fill the oprah winfrey-sized hole in her tv-schedule.

not surprised: women are in a constant struggle to be thinner and younger than the competition, while men generally don't care all that much