
for most of history people didn't actually marry at 13. they had to wait for their parents to die in order to inherit the house and farm.

depp is now hard pushing the age were he should get a shave and a new wardrobe.

fez -> stetson

isn't the strict 'from tv to movie and never look back' thing something of the past?
nowadays lots of actors seem to be pretty comfortable hopping back and forth

what's up with the guy getting younger every rebirth, are we gonna do a benjamin button?

please rate for me the number of calls you have gotten at night that were:
a: idiots waking you up for no reason
b: emergencies

barack obama.
half hipster, half cool

if you want to make money with art you depend on people wanting to pay for your art. if you choose to be a dick to these people they will eventually stop buying and you can go be artistic all by yourself, without the money to finance any future 'art'

if you put a movie on a hard-drive you basically still have a physical copy. but made from bytes that are set to 0 or 1, instead of a film-roll holding information in the form of magnetic imprints.

pushing daisies was a pretty decent show that didn't take itself to serious. just because a show has nice visuals doesn't automatically make it shitty.

if you work as a cabbie you're not a singer, you're just one of many, many, many people fantasizing about being famous. and if you're a dick you'll project that desire on your children and hope a cute little girl is gonna succeed where you failed.

the babyboom happened in all western countries. and they are hated in every western country as well.

if you want examples of buddhist being assholes you just need to actually listen to people in the far east.
not move in, waltz over all local traditions and steal the parts of their religion that remind you of the nice things in christianity, while ignoring all the unpleasant things that come with every religion

they both stole from xerox

salman rushdie's books aren't good either. an political message is forced down your throat, wrapped in a nonsensical story filled with stereotypes. in other words: art

allah sux, iranis are pussies
now give me my money, my bitches and my nobel price

because the worst thing that can happen to a poor person is getting a chance of joining a community? seeing the world is much bigger than his poverty-ridden neighborhood?

religion is all about working together towards a better world (save for a few pretentious nutjobs).
the church has a long history of standing up for human rights, taking care of the sick and elderly.
yeah, sometimes the system failed. just as any major organization sometimes does.
i dare say that social part is way more

something tells me george doesn't really see a problem imposing his own believes on other people. because hey, he is right, isn't he? so it's his burden to share those universal truths, even if other people don't wanna hear them

i've seen just as many atheist for whom it's that same way: they aren't very connected with any 'atheist believes'. only identify that way because it's what their parents and friends told them to believe and because they don't really care either way.
so according to your logic they have been secret christians all along?