
here in the netherlands we never have mail-in dvd's to begin with. you had to cycle all the way to a rental place.
they're all bankrupt now, due to 1euro dvd's and illegal downloading

@avclub-f62296b9393b6ab9229ebde91ed8469f:disqus we're talking about locking them up the nut-house?

for bonus points: name a celebrity who HASN'T gotten some peta-award

don't bother. morgan was disguised as guinevere, so it's just a redo of something you already saw

yeah well, i think *everybody* wanted to kill grissom. i know i did. he's a terrible boss, filled with self-righteousness,  who spends years creepily chasing after his emotionally unstable subordinate/protege/substitute-daughter

if he had wanted to die he would have offed himself long before being strapped down for his injections

how did he get in the army?
newsflash: the american army isn't known for its pickiness

i don't know much of this case.
but it certainly wouldn't be the first time the police just targets the 'local wierdos'.
who are typically forced into a confession by immense psychological pressure.

no roommates in the netherlands, just shared bathrooms and kitchens (which i avoided by paying extra for an 'independent room'. not much of a people-person).
most universities here don't have a real campus, just a few dozen separate blocks with student-housing or classrooms spread out over the city

still seems to be the case in countries that 'have no homosexuals'. it tends to be far more normal there for guys to hug and kiss and share a room and nobody will assume they are secretly gay.

agreed with dan.
i don't like it when gay-activists make such a big show of being gay and demand every gay join in, as if being gay would define your entire identity and obligate you to support their club or be a 'traitor' to gay-rights.

i'm gonna go with 'insisting they are gay' to be the dumbest. little kids don't care about gay or straight, they just see 2 roommates constantly bickering but still loving each other.
if people so much insist on adding a sexual context to a show aimed at kids it can lead to other associations (PEDOPHILE-alert

who pays for that?
one thing that wasn't clear to me:
the murderous pedophile says he will sue the governor to get released. says he has a team of lawyer to do just that.
were did he get that team? he was a teacher so he probably doesn't have much money. and it was clear the anti—death-penalty—activists were sitting

you make some good points about their fuck-ups making them more realistic and human in some ways. but i do think they overdid it.
same with the sex: i hate it when a show keeps trying to hold onto sexual tension for years without anything happening ever. but torchwood went too far in the other direction, with

sex is supposed to be free?
*calls ex for refund*

paid content websites have an even worse track-record. they only work for porn, and even than just barely


you are competing against sites that don't have a viable business-model and are operating on a vague promise to investors of 'eventually going to make money'.
this model will keep working as long as investors don't understand the difference between 'page-views' and 'potential profit'. and that the things

dammit, using proxy-servers is hard work people