
good luck kicking my fat ass anywhere.
i don't eat meat, but chocolate and fries and lots of other yummy foods are not meat (as long as you ain't some 'there is like 0.00000001% meat somewhere in the production chain'). just because i don't want to eat corpses doesn't mean i hate food in general.

agreed that she would probably go crazy in that simulation. having her reappear in the form of a computer-program would be an interesting cop-out to her 'dying'


given how long previous doctor/companion relations lasted in nuwho i don't think they'll have a 3th season with both this doctor and rory/amy.
i expect the season to end with rory and amy taking home baby melody/river and settling into quit domestic life

i liked jenny and i wish we would see some more of her

vastra/jenny spinoff! NOW!!

donboy is probably right. i don't think they're gonna go 'inglorious bastards'

i honestly saw the ganger-baby thing coming from the moment we saw (through lorna) that it was all a set-up. how else would eye-patch-lady plan to take the baby from under everyone's nose?

i liked the poem. yes it's cheesy, so is all of doctor who

i like the idea of river being (partly) 'sexy'. makes perfect sense if she was conceived in the tardis

might be. they have been implying for years now that river kills the doctor, so it would be interesting if that got twisted around (as long as it isn't a cop-out, with her killing some random guy)

difference is that i'm pretty sure the doctor who writers have some kind of plan on how to proceed from here and finish the season, rather than the 'o shit, we have been renewed again' approach of the lost writers.

i like the centurion clothing. it's not just a silly costume but a genuine alter-ego .
it's pretty badass. and a guy nailing a dr who companion needs every bit of bad-assery he can muster because everyone will always compare him to the doctor, not least of all his gf/wife

i'm glad i wasn't the only one who thought at first these people would have been in earlier stories.
that's always been the case in season finales after all.
though on second thought they really didn't meet enough new people this half-season to fill out the doctor's army, only the pirate captain

i'm thinking river and the doctor will have their 'honeymoon' in the 200 years that were missing out of the doctor's life in 'the impossible astronaut'.
possibly with a ganger doctor involved somehow

o come on, it's only 13 episodes a season. just man up and watch everything from eccleson onwards

those people in the above review sound way to sympathetic.
give me movie-makers who want to tear each other's head open, who think their shitty movie is the alpha and omega of cinema

you mean she wouldn't have been a junkie if she hadn't made it big? i seriously doubt that.
those paparazi didn't force drugs down her veins dude


move at the speed of plot
my issue with this episode is the pacing
at several moments there is some emergency (the dude dying after getting a blob of acid to his heart, john smith and the boss-lady holding the door). and somehow all action conveniently stops while the characters hold their teary farewell-speeches, no