
she could well have been taken before telling the doctor she is pregnant: she does a pregenancy-test, gets abducted, flesh-amy steps in and has all amy's memories, tells the doctor she's preggers, finds out she's not pregnant and blames a faulty test or something

i really hate the pseudo-psychological bs that's typically taped on with this kind of programs.
feels like it's just there so that people can pretend it's some kind of sociological documentary rather than just voyeurism.
reminds me way too much of 19th century amateur-anthropologists who would hide their fascination

digital hoarder here.
but i feel that hoarding data helps keep me from hoarding actual stuff, so at least i'm not filling up my living-space with junk.

agreed on the douchy-ness of that letter. i'd have respected it way more if they'd just posted a notice with 'no refunds if you didn't like the movie'. now it's more of an 'if you didn't like tree of life you're stupid'. which tells a lot about the audience they expect for the movie: pretentious d-bags who like

if greece is dragging france and italy with it then that's only because all of those countries have the same mediterranean mentality.
screw them, give me back the guilder (that is about the most popular sentiment in the netherlands at the moment)

i'm a woman and i will not watch this movie unless i get proof it is not packed full of stereotypes: the wise old 'mother' of the knitting-club, the sassy black girl, the boring stuck-up librarian who learns to ease up, the clueless teenage girl who gets over her goth phase, the mourning mother who stumbles onto the

down the rabbit hole?
we are talking about porn? right?

@tim lieder
being a woman i sure like any movie that does not force the message down my throat that 'you can be a shrieking bitch all you want, just be sure to be stick-thin and guys will come running after you in droves'.

i think it's a bit ridiculous to acknowledge she was 'a celebrity' more than 'an actress', while also maintaining she was somehow on a higher plane then the jersey-shore cast.
elisabeth taylor was every bit as trashy, venting her messed-up personal life to whoever wanted to listen. and every bit as fake: it's

exactly. make the whole thing ridiculously over the top with vampires and stuff and everybody will understand it's just some crazy story.
but give the public a story that 'could have happened' and people will start to think that that is actually the way it happened, rather then just a dramatization of things

i assume we can all collectively decide to just forget about her being a wreck and decide being a drunk old hasbeen equals 'having class'.
hey, worked for elisabeth taylor.

allowing some unstable guy to carry around a weapon?
see, now this kind of thing is why the rest of the world thinks americans are the most polite and considerate people around: we don't even have to invade and murder you, you are already getting yourself killed. how very considerate of you

that reminds me: last night when i puked on that police-officer?
that was performance act. so were do i send the bill? i'm not working for free, you know.

ah, but as we all know cocaine-abuse is a disease, not a decision you yourself are in the least responsible for.
so that's probably where they'll shoehorn in the 'fired when he was sick' reasoning

nah, it's about beating them. period


i think he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. but in the good way, not in the 'spending your life going from rehab to reality-shows and back again' way

..Kring pissed me off no end because, first, he always made sure to point out that he was oh much too good for super-heroes, how comic books were lame, and how he didn't deign to read any of that trash when producing his fantastic epic. But dude, super-heroes are putting food on your table. Sure, lament that

@the truth
they both had the exact same problem: putting all of their money on making a fantastic first season, so that they'd get picked up for renewal.
but completely failing to plan ahead for what stories to tell after said renewal was achieved

season 1 was good enough. not the greatest show ever, but watchable.
just pretend the show stopped after that.