
at least the prison break writers knew when their time was up and penned a real wrapping-things-up no-coming-back-for-another-season ending.

It's a show designed to flatter those with jobs into thinking those without must all be shiftless layabouts with no marketable skills, not people struggling through a profound and terrible situation.

i applaud them for not being afraid of the big scary internet. they proved that you actually *can* show your episodes for free online (full episodes, not just trailers) and still turn a profit.

He didn't just speak, he made violent threats and tried to get others to commit violence against his intended victims (including providing home addresses of the intended victims). Big difference. He also tried to join a terrorist cell in Somalia, soooo…yeah, fuck this guy.

talking about overreacting.
does he deserve punishment? yes
does he deserve 25 years in jail for what amounts to just writing stupid things? no
is this the kind of overreacting the bad guys will use to prove how much 'america hates us': yes

maybe they farm ferns, mushrooms and algae?
or wheat, which has small unremarkable flowers. (grass is after all wind-pollinated, so no need for fancy petals)

so say we all

dirt-poor kids just want to be rich, they don't waste half their time at college by being all rebellious and shit.
it's middle-class kids that make a whole show of rebelling against everything.

the transporters are one of those science fiction inventions that you should not put to much thought in. just accept they are only a means of transportation (unless the plot requires otherwise of course, say a nice goodbye to story-consistency please)

well, at least in iran they would have taught that old spinster (13 already, and still not married) some manners: getting raped? you slut! prepare to get stoned.

the younger generation hates him?
to be honest i think a big chunk of the protest is just 'teenagers against the government, *any* government that just happens to be in power'.

4 are looking for the cost of a hooker but the nuisances of a girlfriend

that's both very sad and very beautiful.
it's good that she had friends, at the end. and not just the boy, but also the other kids who showed up.

apparently almost all the, uhm, 'women who would be on this kind of site', claim to be a student. being a student is one of the few respectable 'professions' were you can get away with never actually showing up
(obviously there is the sleight problem of turning old and ugly and still not having that damn

i'm sure it has dry shrunken nuts in it, and the most dried-out banana you've ever tasted.

toen was…
if you like the honeymooners you might want to check out the dutch series 'toen was geluk heel gewoon'. the first seasons are carbon-copied of the hollymooners, after they ran out of episodes they started writing their own.
in total it ran for 15 years, with seasons taking place in a subsequent years, 35

@What Are You Looking At Sugartits
if students don't learn to like reading at school then who is really to blame: the student or the teacher?
you can complain all you want that kids are getting stupider by the year. i think instead that

hated it.
but obviously i'm to stupid to 'get it' and was lowering my attention-span by reading shogun and a 2000-page retelling of 1001 nights at that time.

also the bmi-scale is calibrated to low, in the sense that 'being a bit overweight' on this scale will lengthen your life compared to 'perfect weight'. obviously ideal weight should be that weight which makes you live long and healthy, not the weight that a bunch of doctors pulled out of their collective ass years ago.

the whole bmi-thing is just stupid. encourages people to lose muscle in favor of fat.