
The intolerance and fascists in the Democrat party are a threat in the US for sure but I don’t think it’s nearly as dire as you predict. The US was ranked number 1 again as the most competitive economy, so at least we’re headed in the right direction there.

Ohh the sky is falling, I have to show my license like I do when I go to the airport, or buy cold medicine, oh the humanity. Millions will be disenfranchised.... give me a fucking break.

Wait, let me make sure I understand this; you think the Earth might be trying to tell us something and so it’s coughing up some volcanos and other calamities because ‘humans are bad’? FFS, it’s nature. Guess what? Sometimes it’s brutal. End of story.

The company puts 16% in and I’m throwing another 11% on top of that, I feel like that’s pretty good.

Is there a scene where someone jumps a shark? ‘Cause that should have been in the last movie...

So, we don’t like what you say so we’re going to shut you up. That about sums up the left. So, here is my response, I just recieved this in an email...

Do as I say not as I fucking do. The liberal mantra.

How is this different from taking a passed out roommate’s finger and opening his/her phone?

Uhmm, that’s why they were elected. Duh.

So climate change strategically positioned two normal high pressure systems in the exact spots needed to strand an average low-turned hurricane. Hmmm, interesting. It seems as is someone doesn’t understand nature and the laws of probability. But carry on, your ignorance knows no bounds.

Or just go outside and get away from social media, electronics, and lifehacker.

That’s right, that’s the correct response, denigrate them to make yourself feel superior and COMPLETELY disregard the thousands upon thousands of law enforcement that do their jobs every single day to protect and serve...for your safety and the well being of our free society. Fuck all you hypocrites. We have created a

Great reply! Love the ritalin jab!

Amazing how quickly it becomes ‘your’ health insurance. Hope it goes down in flames along party line votes then, perhaps, Democrats can appreciate that zero support for ACA from Republicans will be its downfall. Just think, if that cunt Pelosi had compromised a bit to get some moderate Republicans on board this

Had the throw in the Reagan reference to keep with the Gizmodo blogger anti-republican bent I see. Lame.

Omg Matt, you are delusional. Can you not take an extreme leftist view on every fucking political subject? A simple child can go thru your list above and offer reasonable discourse to every single issue. North Korea; appeasement has made the situation a global threat, white nationalists; that’s cute, when you don’t

The Trump regime is the most corrupt in history? LOL! Coming from a leftist shit website, well, I guess that makes sense. You guys are hilarious. Enjoy the next 4 to 8 years!

I presume NOAA is good enough for you? Take the raw data and subtract the adjusted data, no conspiracy needed, simple as kiss your hand.

Well the joke goes that with each revision of NOAAs ‘raw’ data the past gets cooler and present gets warmer, pretty soon 1935 will have been frozen all year long. Get it? Hardy har har. The temps just keep getting adjusted downward so that any current warming is more amplified. At the rate of cooling that the early

Tell me again about 1935. You know, every release of the ‘offical’ raw data it just keeps getting colder. Pretty soon 1935 will have been completely frozen. I also believe the moving raw temperatures that NASA foists on us year over year where the past gets cooler and the present gets warmer are interesting, but hey,