Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

i will keep leaving food of mine around for yall for when i am empress of everything.

Well, She should. She invented it, after all.

Goddamnit, Kevin.

Three words for you: No. Freaking. Helmet.

Fucking Kevin. There's always gotta be at least one

I worked at a go-kart, bumper boat, batting cage place in high school. When it would rain we'd shut down the batting cages because they'd throw the ball all over the place. Like behind you, at your head etc with no consistency. It was like Russian Batting Cage Roulette. Of course, after our shift would end, and having

I commend him for not wearing a helmet. He would have looked ridiculous.

The complaint further alleges that Dean of Student Life Susan Boswell actively discouraged another student from formally reporting her sexual assault, telling her that "no student has ever been expelled over sexual assault or had any sort of annotation on their transcript."

When I lived in NYC, I saw a hobo pissing into a water bottle while sitting down.

Now I'm picturing you as Comic Book Guy from the Simpson's.

That is a nice suit. It looks good with his body type and skin color.

My question is, who will be our first summertime seersucker President?


If you read the language of the bill, which I am sure you did not, you'd see that affirmative consent is not necessarily defined as "affirmative verbal consent." It's defined as "an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement" by both parties to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be nonverbal; California

I took "physical consent" to mean, for example, the person in question is responding or initiating things physically, showing that they are into it. Even without words, it's not hard to tell the difference between someone lying there hoping this will all stop and someone actively unbuttoning pants, kissing, etc.

You forgot the free space: "Feminazis are ruining everything"

Do we really believe that women, and men, are going to start asking for verbal consent in all their encounters?

It seems like a really good idea to shift the burden from the victim having to prove they said no, to the alleged perpetrator having to prove they said yes.

From a trial/evidentiary/prosecution standpoint, I really really really like this. It is much more protective of victims and makes it, as it should be, more of an inquiry into and trial of the alleged perpetrator and not the alleged victim.