Indefensibly stunning
Indefensibly stunning
“Liberal Tears brand gauze” aka Obamacare :D
I don’t really blame her. The amount of young women defending that creep’s sexual harassment (someone they don’t even know!) on that music journalist post was just ridiculous. Camille is much older and has been with the guy her whole life. I guess the devil you know...
I don’t know if you’ve got to be knees deep in denial or a victim of some serious emotional abuse or just a mystery to be in Camille’s shoes right now. But my god, do I wish she’d just run already.
When I was 20, I was working at a bookstore and living with my boyfriend, who also worked at the same bookstore. It was a small bookstore, with only 7 employees and when the holiday party rolled around we all went to a bar in Montouk and proceeded to get ripped. I had lost track of my boyfriend and started to make out…
No. I was just struggling to come up with a first name that makes you think Jew but isn’t necessarily Jewish that wasn’t:
I am floored - FLOORED - at even the concept of needing escorts to enter these clinics. I live overseas, so this is new to me. This is sickening to me.
For the 1 millionth time this month, I have to ask, what is this world coming to?
But allow me to thank you as well. This should be completely unnecessary, but I…
Most unfortunately, the s is not the new normal. It’s been “normal” since the 80s & 90s. The doctors I worked with hung their bullet proof vests next to their coats when they came in the door. People have been killing over abortion since shortly after it was legal. It’s as if they’re trying to make up for the women…
There’s nothing new about this. Google domestic terrorist Eric Rudolph (before he bombed the Atlanta Olympics). I’m sure his wiki page is a good jumping off point for other clinic attacks.
Seize, you are awesome for having done this. I have a friend who volunteers as an escort for the PP near him, and I just took the time to send him a note via FB and thank him for doing that. So thank you as well. <3
Seize, as ever, thank you.
Thank you so much for what you do. Thank you.
I think anybody who reads this should be able to see that this is terrorism. Not only the actions of Robert Dear and other anti-abortion extremists who assault, , kidnap and murder people affiliated with PP, but also the protestors who harass, stalk and threaten them. They’ve created by use of…
Love Sinead forever but when someone has that many children who won’t speak to them... it tells me that she has put them through an awful lot. I hope she gets the help she needs but this is certainly not their fault.
Thank you so much. A family friend was at a clinic for an abortion when it was overrun by protesters. She hid in a closet until her fiancee was able to carry her out of the building. It was obviously a horrible experience.
I’m sure you’ve gotten a lot of these so far, but I just wanted to give a heartfelt thank you for your help in protecting patients of planned parenthood. Your services were obviously necessary and at no small risk to your personal safety. Thank you.
I’d like to say it was the “new” normal, but it’s been ongoing for about 30 years. No one even expects or demands that the media hold anti-choicers responsible for their inflamatory rhetoric and keep these MANY, MANY examples of inhibiting and stopping Americans from receiving the LEGAL medical care of their choice.
People like you who provide escort services for these clinics deserve all the thanks.
The saddest thing is those assholes still stand outside the Brookline PP. and thanks to a ruling last year they don’t have to stand a certain number of feet away anymore as long as they don't block the door. They make me sick to my stomach. I hope they’re right and there really is a hell because if so I know for…