Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

If by "your exercise regimen" the author means "the potato in all its forms," then, yes.

Btw, is there any distinction between "romance novels" and "erotica", beyond the spelling?

I don't doubt romance novelists' knowledge of sex, generally. It's erotic fanfic writers that I doubt. Oh, the contortions I've read. I'm pretty sure that at least 75% of erotic fanfic writers have never had sex, or have only done missionary.

So we FINALLY have the audio equivalent of "Zoom. Enhance."

" Completely unrelated " ??? OK you must be from NAMBLA or some other pedophile advocacy group if really think that a fathers shoe size and the fact that a father is a convicted repeat offender pedophile have the potential to have equal damaging effect on a child's life ..Im done

Please shut the fuck up.

We could just go with "white", it doesn't even matter what nationality he belongs to or where he's currently residing. Everytime I hear about absurd shit like this, it's always some white dude who's looking for "exotic", "submissive" foreign women who "know how to treat a man". Barf forever.

Well, this escalated quickly...

WITCH HUNT!! CENSORSHIP!! INQIOSITION!!! his Holiness the Pope of Atheist must not be disagreed with!

Gee an American man who seeks a foreign internet bride is a sex offender??? Color me shocked and surprised!

So it turns out the guy who abandoned his child because it was born with Down's is even worse that we thought? Yikes.

Well the sage Richard Dawkins would ask, was the pedophile mild?

I could have written this myself, verbatim.

31? Please tell me it gets at least a little easier to deal with as time goes on. I know it will never go away, but I keep losing the tools I use to get through it and it's gotten harder in a different kind of way.

you're kanye.

Gella busted me out weeks ago. So for anyone keeping tally, when the big reveal comes I could be one of the following.


Every time a server overhears you say "Oh, don't worry, I'll put it all on my card and we can work it out later," choirs of angels sing.

He's just trying to get everyone to message him pictures of penises. Don't fall for it!