Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

This was a whole plotline on House of Cards. The man is onto something.

Sexual repression, ya'll.

I have a tiny box grater I use to grate nutmeg. It's adorable.

But... Why. This is just delicious food with an unnecessary roadblock.

So many assholes attacking you here. So many male tears. Wtf. I'm late to the party, but I want you to know that I fuckin commend you for kicking that guy out of your apartment/bed. I've had my fair share of assholes in my life and I wish I had the guts to just kick them to the curb earlier. You go girl!

My Neil file is getting "investigation by the CIA" big...

I would probably shit my pants if I see him again. Then I'd throw the poop stained pants at him and waddle-run away. I moved halfway across the country and changed my name to be rid of him. He didn't take too kindly to me breaking up with him due to his wandering dick.

Ladies, if he won't "allow" you to fart or burp

Can't do that. I had to get a restraining order against no-fart-man. But, that's a story for another pissing contest.

A friend of mine got told on the Fourth of July that her husband wanted a divorce. He blamed her for everything - she was too in to her career, she wasn't getting pregnant fast enough, and a bunch of other douche canoe things in a list that smelled, shall we say, fishy, from the beginning.

My husband and I decided he would "geo-bach"(basically he moved for work and I stayed home with our young daughter) because his deployment schedule was going to be bananas for a year or so. That year turned into three, and while it wasn't ideal, he came out to visit every few months and I thought we were okay. We

I was 21 and had suspected my then boyfriend was messing around with this chick anne. She'd been getting really annoying, crawling all over him that fall and wanting to have important, urgent, emotional talks at all times because my boyfriend was such a good friend.

Just put it on his wall.

My husband had no less than 6 affairs during the course of our marriage (that I knew about), but after discovering 4, it was pretty easy to see the tell tale signs of affair number 5.

Try as I might, the dude would just NOT fess up. I needed to know, because this one was the final death knell of the marriage (just

He and I had already been having problems related to his way-too-close "just-friendship" with a girl who happened to have beautiful, long, curly, red hair. He and I took a break over it, but a month or so later he begged for me to come back, claimed nothing had happened with him and red-hair, that it was all just a

Mine was probably the most cliche. My wife had accidentally sent me the email she meant for the other guy. For the first time I understood what it meant when people say, "that it felt like all the air was sucked out of the room." It felt exactly like that. What a horrible day that was. Two years later and that

that asterisk killed me

Okay, this isn't technically a "cheater" story because we were not exclusive—but it is some lying bullshit, shit-to-the-bull:

I was 20 and living with my first serious boyfriend who was a few years older than me. One weekend, my mom was out of town and I had agreed to house sit for her while she was gone. I had spent the night at her house by myself and when I got up in the morning, I realized I hadn't brought a pair of slacks with me to

Alas, it's a common conviction. I'm always mystified by the amount of entitlement people display toward my sexuality.

Yeah, I'd be especially concerned if the condom thief was a girl who said "I want you to put a baby in me."