Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

That just made wine come out of my nose.

No one should like Rolling Rock. Fuckings Pennsyltuckians. At least drink Yuengling!

It smells of rainbows and integrity.

Socks can actually be an asset to sex. The first sex I had after my second divorce was with a slightly Aspie but total good guy programmer I picked up at Folsom, and he said he preferred to keep his socks on because cold feet negatively impacted his performance and warm feet demonstrably assisted. I've encouraged

As I am reading this I am thinking "Good god woman, just leave your fucking socks on then, jesus."

So, essentially, Gawker writers' attitude toward Jezebel writers somewhat reflects Gawker commenters' attitude toward Jezebel commenters?

21 unsexy things about sex, written by this chick.

18. Doggy style. Just, doggy style. What horrible person invented this?

The "Not Rape" titty shot is classy and does not scream "I am desperate for attention" at all.

Crap, me too. Tell me it can't possibly work...right? Right?

"pseudo-tribal psychological voodoo"

His lawyer used the words "pseudo-tribal psychological voodoo" in an attempt to explain what happened? Done with this world.

Are you actor Troy McClure?

Wouldn't be the first time. See: Suri Cruise.

Hey Mike Vick might have slaughtered innocent puppies with his bare hands but at least he didn't love another human being.

I have tears rolling down my face. Bless you for sharing that!

Now playing

Sorry, this will always and forever be my favorite Robyn music video.

Respectfully, I think it goes deeper than that.

I really want to hang out with Ms. Igarashi and people like her but they're so much cooler than me. :-(