Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

My best friend has a normal reaction to weed but she has some sort of metabolism issue where she stays high for 10x as long as normal people. She smoked two bowls of moderately potent weed with her roommate and had to call out of work for the next 3 days.

All school assembly, 1994, in the 4-week run up to Christmas that Catholic school kids all recognize as Advent. The Catholic traditional “Advent wreath” (pictured) features a candle to be lit each week along with some customary prayers and other rituals in the happy vigil leading up to Jesus’s birth.

It’s a shame because you really could be poet of the year.

If you don’t enjoy the militant pro-shark bias of the commentariat, don’t read Jezebel.

How the fuck did she keep custody of her 3 kids!? Gross.

I had a healthy wariness of strangers running up to my assault, so it really didn’t change my ability to trust when I was assaulted. A few years later I started to get interested in the science of who rapes and who is raped in our culture and I still am, but as for taking risks, I never hesitated. Yeah, it was

The pilot had an open container.

Surprisingly plain, if you’re used to looking at costume jewelry.

When you’re in withdrawal, that’s the worst drug to be in withdrawal from.

I also agree it should only be taken at night for sleep, or for situations where the anxiety is at “emergency code red” status and you won’t be going anywhere but where you’re hunkering down. The nasty rep the drug gets is when people misuse it and use it in public or mix it with other pills or booze.

I can’t compare the two as I’ve thankfully never needed opiates. I think physical withdrawal is worsened greatly by your degree of psychological dependence on the substance, though.

9/10 would bang if he was wearing plaid and hanging out in a coffee shop.

It’s addictive. I take it for legitimate reasons and I cycle between lower and higher doses. The day when I scootch my dose 0.5 mg lower lasts about a week and I might as well spend it in bed. It feels like a bad flu plus some anxiety symptoms and it sucks ass.

Huffington used to be a BABE.

BRB writing fanfic.

Everybody has to die somehow.

OMG that’s so cute!! He’s such a nice man.

Eh, I think they do. If you read literature about people raised in Quiverfull, they feel a deep and personal sense of shame about their constant, inadvertent sins. Do the girls have it worse? Yes. But it’s not a cakewalk for any child.

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