Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

Starring for My Cat From Hell. My most incongrous TV crush is Jackson Galaxy.

Consensually, I hope.

You can’t make that shit up. It’s beautiful.

Yeah seriously it sounds like Fentanyl patch, acid flashbacks and a couple tabs of molly every morning with a Cherry Coke.

Ok so tell us: what’s up with the cat? Does the lady want to boink the cat?

It’s a treasure of a gif and it perfectly encapsulates how I think of Scott Walker.

I, three, came into this thread to make this joke.

“Who am I to judge” insults both you self and your reader.

I love her whole Xanax chic look.

Here at Gawker Media we call that a copy editor.

I like to imagine him and Mark Skyping about this edition with little umbrellas in their matching Vitamix margaritas.

Are you even a physician?

I just tried this and confirm it works.

Thank you so much. I will do this forthwith.

I guess we know why Gawker’s making money.

Can we talk about how that bloated link pimping affiliation has ruined Kinja?

That kid has her head on straight.

The Bloat.