Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

I think they just hooked him up to a bicycle pump full of aersolized cocaine.

That’s a what a mic drop sounds like.

Yeah, that’s a story about a rape. Who knows if the bowdlerizing happen before the info got to your grandma of if she “edited” it herself many years ago and was repeating her own version of events.


I’d say you’re close — but more like “lay off the black hero who, like me, makes $$$ telling black people to pull up their pants and stop being victims.” Cosby was a black hero once. His show was a milestone for black representation. But in the years since then he’s routinely blamed POC for their own lot. Whoopi


I’m not a huge AA fan. They’re useful if they’re your only option, and also if you need an accountability buddy. I’d go with therapy. Lead with the alcohol concern, but I suspect you’re going to spend a lot more time talking about what leads you to drink than your actual alcohol consumption.

I used to go to an AWESOME divey theatre in the weird part of Pasadena, CA. We used to get giant beef nachos from the bodega around the corner and carry them in and arrange ourselves a double feature. Nothing quite like being 13 and having a pocket full of bus tokens and $8 to spend.

My dad was a huge Ben Folds Five fan and one trip we listened to the song “Brick” a whole lot.

Also once we had a set of tapes of old Garrison Keillor broadcasts, and I thought I would kill myself.

I think they’re tiny ball-bearings.

Good, this will come out while I’m in my second year of medical school. I’ll need frequent reasons to daydrink and ugly cry.

I assume like all online conversations between women by the 3rd tweet it would be just

FYI, this is a patchinko ball, and Yoko Ono is a bot.

Now playing

I just found the following quote from a young woman in the article about C Wonder going under:

She definitely is racist. She just seems like a racist that also tells some funny jokes. Meghan is clueless, probably also racist, and sings terrible songs.

So what I learned today is: don’t bring fists to a pepper spray fight.

At least Comedian has her merits. Meghan just...just ugh. Go away girl. Go away.

Trying to take soul away from black people is (a) pointless (b) impossible (c) racist or (d) all of the above.

Yes. I want her to fall into a scorpion pit.