Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

Is that...a human carp?

Yep. Yep. Yep.

I have no idea, I found it on Google Image Search.

You said the name! Now all will perish!

He is starting to look like a rather confused elderly spaniel.

I know right? They must be serious jerks, particularly if they know that the mater familias is so sensitive.

Pretty horrified that any adult woman raising a baby girl thinks vaginas make something “dirty.” Did she try to get her money back from her husband too?

I like The Onion’s policy of linking to them as “Lesser News From Around The Web.”

Just kidding. Titus is totally into this.

Seriously, WHY is my Adblocker not working on that crap? It’s so trashy.

To Vogue:

I will donate a 6 pack of beer to this cause.

I think it’s her knowing attempt to look just a little pornified in an absolutely non-porny setting that puts it over the top.

You’re saying they have a progressive stance on choice issues and are willing to try their beliefs in the court system?

The groom and a total maniac almost SVU’d you at the same wedding. That’s some epic shit dude.


You’re a better woman than me, I’d probably have smacked him upside the head.

You guys are fucking heroes.