Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

A “hands off” residency sounds like some mythical shit.

The presidency of the NAACP Spokane chapter and the national dialogue concerning race.

Kara Brown’s alleged parents provided this photo to us for the totally reasonable price of $50,000 USD.

It’s never going to NOT be a’s too damn funny.

Kara I’m gonna need special biological proof that a white person like you should be writing this kind of article. Who are you to say if Dolezal is a great black American or THE greatest black American?

Maybe she should stop stealing from black people tho

I’ll try to address your question in 2 parts:

I’m all for elevating them to the level of Will and Jada, Jay and Bey.

We’re pretty open-minded about match. We’re thinking any major metro area south of DC, or the West. It’s still a long ways away!

I’m down!

One white nipple, he thought to himself, and I’ll be driving the girls off with a flyswatter.

I’m sorry. I should have said “twerking.” She seeks to give the impression of the hip dance craze, without being able to perform the art. Obviously a person with that much plastic surgery would risk having their features pop off if they actually performed any strenuous dance moves.

I love you so much.

I’ve trained for this for years. Break out the box wine.

Dolezal was first asked if she had ever straight-up lied to someone about her race. She replied, “No, because never have I been asked, ‘are you human or are you not human?’ Race as a construct has a fluid understanding. So I would say no.”

As a bona fide crazy person let me be the first to disavow Rachel Dolezal.

I think “she steals from black people” might be my 1 sentence rant to stop anyone who is “Just Asking Questions” about transracial bullshit.

I think they were implicated in the sex assault accusations she made against her brother because it occurred under their roof. Like the Duggar thing. I think she’s gross as hell, but they might be grosser. We’ll have to wait and see.