Is that Madonna twerking to dubstep? Somebody hold my drink.
Is that Madonna twerking to dubstep? Somebody hold my drink.
Space Admiral Rodcocker. YASSSS COCK ME HARD BIG DADDY.
My fiance and I laughed heartily at this. It’s not for us...probably....
Your husband is a bit higher on the pecking order than me. I’m just a lowly M2.
I am gonna be a doctor. I could make boutique pap smears my specialty!
Word. That was kinda my point. Excluding people because of getting sexually assaulted is like excluding people for having had the common cold. We should expect that sex assault victims will be represented in every jury.
This just gave me a heartly laugh. I was matched to my fiance’s cousin. The cousin is also getting married, just before our wedding date. We must be clicking and commenting on similar things...
This woman and her ilk can go somewhere and stuff something.
I’m sorry, I meant “in any instance of a civil role” not “all civil roles.” I was referring to the specific instance of being excluded as a juror in a rape case.
new plan America: how about every rape trial has a rape survivor on the jury?
If this was for real and this woman was just quietly living her life as a black woman, I would have some sympathy. I’d be confused, I would still have some issues, but I'd at least have some sympathy.
Just a friendly reminder that you need a will people.
Yeah, it’s just some mild emotional torture they’re trying to set up. If they could hold the woman’s head in place for this little lecture, I assure you they would. They’re creeps.
The Onion is always so on point.
It would honestly be mad cool if gyno visits became that routine, unstigmatized and that patient-focused. Not necessarily for abortion services, but that would be cool too.
I know right? Medical science, get on this. Pretty please.
What? You never just go in for a little light scraping? It’s like getting your toenails done. It doesn't matter if you just got them done last week, it's fun to get them done!