Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

200k ain’t that really, my sMIL has a ring that costs that much. It looks like a disco ball. I think I’d rather just have a disco ball.

Great content dude!!

Girl you gonna have a white tie wedding? Brave. I will find my best tiara and save it for the occasion.

*right click, save*

I’m saddened by the fact that there is no work of man or god that could ever make it polite for me to wear a tiara at a fancy event.

I feel u.

This comment isn’t nothin fancy but I love it.

At least your stepmom wasn’t a huge bitch about it. Still, at that age, even kindness can be humiliating.

This just made me clench all my sphincters.

Your dad is the wooooorst.

Man, your family wins abuse bingo. Neglect so severe you couldn’t seek help for a broken leg?

Your mom is like Sarah Connor.

Great last line.

I uh...don’t think that was a doll.

This is probably someone’s fetish. My hat is off to you madam.

Looking at it from the flip side, I can understand studying blackness after not being raised in it. It’s...authentic. That has huge value attached in white culture.

That awkward moment when you check your “Flag” options for something “Just too buttfuck stupid to deal with.”

Don’t throw this on the mentally ill tho. Honestly, it’s too fucking weird.

They ripen in August. Congrats!