Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

That’s a rough way to go out.

That’s what Archive of our Own is for.

Does this mean my awkward philosophical life choice is cool now?

I have no idea. I haven’t watched SPN in sooooo long.

I’m as nonplussed as Castiel.

My best friend and I had a system where we would work out a way to match the number of middle fingers to throw up based on the number of people harassing us.

I’m leaving this comment in lieu of the extremely hardcore sarcastic solioquy I could have dreamt up in its place. You’re welcome.

I just read it. jajajajaja

What if I’m pregnant and I can’t reach my own boots!?

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Thank you for this. I’m a vegan and scifi fan and I adored it.

“She could have gotten birth control” boils down to a mindset in which you’re denying that all women deserve abortion access all the time. This woman’s state has banned abortions after 20 weeks and has imposed restrictions on clinics that offer abortion clinics which as so severe that services are expensive and

I think the biggest mitigating factors are the current anti-woman laws in effect in her state, including the 20 week abortion ban, laws that prevent the abortion pill from being readily available at most hospitals and clinics, and a deficit of sex education in public schools.

It’s cases like this that make it abundantly clear exactly WHICH olden-tymes fantasy the anti-choice crowd wants to reenact as law.

I’d say just without proper informed consent, that seems to be the way things have been going these days.