
I wonder if they will reboot it enough to feel like a new experience, or if it is just a return of Mortal Kombat. Still, Kratos is a great starting point. Hopefully they will model more characters in the game after his level of development, rather than more of the same stereotypes.

There is definitely kruft that can come off of modern keyboards. Delete and backspace are a bit redundant. Home, End, PgUp, and PgDown all could be Up, Down, Left, and Right with some sort of modifier. And WTF is up with that ~ key? How often do you use ~? Or `?

@Xusder: I wonder if they would make enough on their new microtransaction model to re-release TF2 on the 360 as a free-to-play download, plus all of their paid items.

@Kneadederaser: You know how there are parts of Google that are still marked as "Beta?" I assumed that TF2 had released as "Alpha" three years ago, and they finally decided to have a point release.

@CanuckEh: You could hole-punch to double the density of 3.5" floppies. Of course, your data would be corrupted if you so much as sneezed towards those disks.

A lot of DSLR's accept computer control. Why not yoke the microphone on your computer to firing the camera if the sound intensity increases above a fixed level?

How is this *not* baiting the FCC?

@soulfinger: I use both Windows and mac versions. And I'm incredibly fond of apple: I recently replaced my old iPhone with a new one, and got a Mac Mini for a secondary computer. If anything, I hate iTunes so much because of its failures compared to so much else good stuff that Apple produces.

@soulfinger: 1. It mixes too many operating paradigms to be at all usable. You never know where the back button is going to take you, or where anything is located. They glued together a music player, a video player, a music store, a video rental store, a phone synchronizer, an app store, book shop, etc. They never

That's funny. I wrote a similar flash game last year. It worked really well.

That's funny. I wrote a similar flash game last year. It worked really well.

If the party on the other end of the line is a customer-service phone tree, does it count as consent if it doesn't hang up when Google Voice makes its announcement? Or do you have to get consent from every human being that comes on the line?

@Jomi294: Because the reason that it cannot achieve what you want it to is due to political messing in your life and not, as it were, a technical reason. For example, it's understandable to ship a phone without bluetooth, but it's was screwing their customers when phone companies disabled the hardware.

@SgtBarry: The release 2 years ago was Pacman Championship Edition. This is the updated version. Instead of calling it CE2, they seem to be making a throwback to mid 90's arcades.

With as many life-changing potential uses for this technology, sticky walls seems pretty far down the list. Call me a cranky old man, but wouldn't it be a more useful technology for utility tool racks, collecting particles from the air, handling of delicate materials, etc? I wonder if you could reduce friction by At that point, why not let the AI do all of the fighting? Give the ground pilot Fire-or-no-Fire authority over a squad of interconnected planes. Network the sensors to build a realtime map of the battlefield, with the human(s) calling targets and tactics and the AI's deciding upon maneuvers and

@John Crane: Why would they hide advanced capabilities? It only works as a deterrent if you tell people about them.

@Handsome Al: I'm not disagreeing. But Mortal Kombat the movie shipped 11 years before Silent Hill the movie.

To be fair, the Mortal Kombat game was basically the gold standard