
@nolabar10der: True. But at that point you're trying to argue sense into a legal system that apparently considers two albums to be worth more than all of the money someone is ever going to make in their life. One could also argue that no matter how many users are in a peer to peer system, there are only ever

@SteveUK: To hit the same ratio of actual damages to punative damages, Warner Music Group would need to be fined about 37 billion dollars.

@3MC: While your points are valid, I'd dispute the one about a black market forming around price disparities from taxation. I live on the border of New Hampshire, where nothing is taxed. Yet the %6 tax rate is not enough for most people to lug their way up there for most purchases. Certainly, the little profits to

@nolabar10der: Tiny sections of a copyrighted work are very probably derivative, especially if the intent is to re-create the whole.

@G5hockx21: Every time I hear the Wilhelm in a movie, it takes me out of the immersion. "So that's where they put it in." While I love the idea of a secret little things hidden and thrown in like easter eggs, my grumpy old man hat says it is time for the Wilhelm to go away.

I'd love to see Microsoft take the cream from Xbox indies, and promote them in the same place as Live Arcade titles. Some of them are every bit as good, and quite a bit more creative. Lots of them are junk, though, so it would be nice to have them pre-dug through. "You Will Die" was amazing, for example.

@Scottermonkey: A stack of paper and a pen has the potential to be every card and board game ever made. But the average gamer would rather buy one in a box.

@The_Foo: I think he means that a controller gives you X distinct and visible input options. If you're playing SFIV, you know you have 8 buttons and a 4-way joystick. The controller in front of you gives you context as to what you can do, though its limitations.

I think this is "Great." For too long have we "Suffered" from this "Plague" of silly string. Our "Great" nation can no longer afford this type of abuse of "Freedom."

@Bathtub Toaster: It's not just Japan. My father has lived in Thailand for almost twenty years now, yet he's still considered a foreigner and charged about twice what they charge everyone else.

@The Halo Project: That's silly. You can have a good economy if you import *more value* than you export. During the years when the US experienced incredible trade deficits, we were doing incredibly well for ourselves.

@lucasway89: They get paid 5k per month. Office space rent, equipment, software, hardware, health, taxes, other benefits, management overhead, samples from china, travel expenses, etc eat up the other 10k each.

Finally! It's nice to see security theater turn into actual security. Considering the number of friends who have had cars stolen from them, this is long overdue. One even GOT A PARKING TICKET after it had been reported stolen.

@iRant: Both problems need to be addressed if electric cars are to take off. Of course, with our increasing reliance on battery-based devices, the research to do both is ongoing.

@negitoro: You Will Die was randomly generated, lived up to its name quite well, and yet was amazing. Perhaps an unfair difficulty curve is forgivable.

@se7a7n7: Also, we have computers more powerful than we could have possibly imagined 25 years ago, yet we're all just trying to crawl back into our childhod. Ah, humanity.

I'm vaguely shocked. Hopefully this is the beginning of Apple relinquishing control over user's hardware back to the user.

R&D doesn't come cheap. 30k is basically what it should cost for 2 full-time developers working for a month in a reasonably equipped lab. That's actually pretty cheap, considering.

And yet, the iPhone and iPad are making a serious end-run into gaming prominence. Maybe it just took them a while to catch on.