
I do believe that Microsoft could help make Windows the de-facto platform for gaming. But they have to realize that most people have laptops that cannot, and will not, ever be able to run the "latest and greatest." And that most people when faced with the choice of running a reduced version of a title or nothing at

A variety of DRM systems to navigate is an advantage now?

You can also buy a Playstation-USB adaptor, and an old time-crisis pedal. It appears as a normal joystick to the system, and can be yolked to any button or macro you'd like.

Demo /Beta available from:

I'm surprised that they're attacking Steam head-on, rather than drawing from their far more successful Xbox resources.

The main great joy of Typing of the Dead was the amount of humor and variety imparted by the raw words you were to type. You might be typing off a zombie horde of presidents one moment, then switching to a long diatribe about sharing feelings while a chainsaw wielding monster charged you down. One boss monster was

@seishino: @PurpleCowMan: Oh wait, you're probably seeing Mario is Missing at around 7:14. You didn't miss much with that title.

@PurpleCowMan: Are you talking about at 11:26? That's SMB3.

I've played about half of those games. I can't tell if I've wasted my youth, or if I have another half left to go.

I'm rather surprised they got this working in Unity. Unity is an object-oriented game engine better suited to 3D titles... sort of a Flash for polygons. It's also a bit of a mess to work with for large projects.

@Methusalah: You can normally pick up model rocket engines in bulk for about $2. These may also be the rockets that the scouts normally have to build anyway, which would put the cost floor at about 6k.

While that's incredibly pretty, I can't help but think "That intricate surface will be a square collide object." "Those perfect trees will be unclimbable." "I won't be able to get on that jeep when enemies come close, or swing the spare tire like a dead weight."

@okamera: The Virtual Boy tends to induce motion sickness on areas where panning or camera movements are present. 3D Tetris, for example, was a bit of a nausea-fest.

@Mooglecharm: There was City-of-Villans. You could also have a just-evil focused game, which would make sense considering the massive swaths of wildlife and forests destroyed in most MMO's.

@geolemon: Engineering is a practical skill. Kids won't learn anything about building stuff if all you have them build is huts made out of mud. You've got to let them build some rockets, some jet-propelled toy cars, some bridges to shatter, and some stuff to blow up.

The dead drop of physics on jumping feels completely wrong, and should be fixed. The demo, also, unfairly shows the most bland level of the bunch. And let's be honest, $15 for 1/3rd of an old Sonic game seems quite expensive.

@TTownTerrorist: Years ago my little league batting coach got hit by an errant foul drive, and broke his eye socket. You'd better believe we stayed behind the metal fence after that.

@tuned4trash: Considering the size and specificity of broadcast cameras, they're probably made-to-order. A single lens replacement would probably need to be run in an order of one, custom in everything from the glass to the frame to the fitting. And, of course, the mechanics to hold everything together, retuning,