
I think you might have Darwin's theory of evolution confused with Ayn Rand objectivism. Darwin posited that whatever makes reproduction more successful was a net positive. This includes things that might seem mechanically foolish, like a peacock's plumage, spiders eating their mates, and sickle cell anemia.

I was going to suggest Downhill Domination. I think the problem with that game (and bicycle games in general), is that a good racing flow was constantly interrupted by wiping out. It was tough to go more than a few feet at a time, at the speed you needed to go, without going straight over your handlebars.

If I'm remembering correctly, the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and DS had similarly few titles at launch. How is the 3ds particularly different?

The first version was made at a "Game Jam." Which means it was made in one weekend, by a tiny team of exhausted developers. Game Jam games are mostly just raw proof-of-concept games. The full version will probably be bug tested.

I'm curious what the networking component will be. I presume they'd have a deal worked out with the 3G provider, that a cut of every game distributed over the 3G network goes to the provider. Networked multiplayer / advanced features, if they carefully regulate the game's bandwidth usages and avoid voice chat,

@foxbody: Be fair. Some of those Linksys products don't have driver problems. Some just died.

@GranMastaB614: It's 180 bucks for an N router, which you can find for 40. If you're plunking that cheddar, you've probably got a printer, a server, a NAS, three game systems, and some older wired equipment. Give us some ports if you really want to be the center of the wireless home.

@Dragorith: No problem. I'm actually a Nintendo lover. But their lack of support for online and other services on an OS level has been a very raw point for me as a developer.

Yay! One less reason to buy the 3DS.

@GnatB: The sensation of freefall is a function of liquids in the inner-ear. The cushion of air under you during indoor skydiving is equivalent to lying on a couch. Now, it's not easy... my time indoor skydiving was mostly me getting body position wrong and flying off at weird angles. But the body's speed-sensing

@GnatB: If I'm not mistaken, you can use the strict definition of freefall (where any force other than gravity no longer counts) or the loose definition (where air drag is OK, so long as you don't have a parachute, and gravity remains the dominant force.).

Casio also makes several vibrating-alarm watches, starting around $40.

The UK is in the middle of a budget crisis. Why should video games get a tax break and not, say, graphic designers or people who actually build things?

@anduin1: Also, PC gaming doesn't have the same kind of development currently. It's just much harder to earn a living working on PC games. Even dev friends trying to make runs with social media or other types of PC gaming are finding the space unsustainably crowded.

@Croebh: As much as I love autohotkey, it does take a bit of experience and know-how.

@inklikeurine: To be fair the original message was "Hey guys! check out this cool DLC! It's called 'Big Surf Island.'" And it was about two years before it launched on consoles.

@archronos: Let's not forget that Tony Hawk RIDE was pretty abysmal. Great idea, half-baked implementation.

@naikou: I'd also guess that pulling something like this off in a high-level match would be a bad use of full super and ultra bars. The extra damage they provide that deep into a combo is paultry.

Interestingly enough, if you ever needed a visual example of SFIV's combo damage scaling this is it. About half of the combo's damage comes in the first 5 hits.