
Epson has a similar application, though it is print only and only on the small paper.

If you're looking at developing iPhone apps, consider that yours may get rejected arbitrarily, even post approval. Even things like wifi sniffers and video systems have been post-approval banned (the latter for "taking up too much bandwidth," a criteria never actually stated elsewhere).

Great! Time to meet up somewhere else.

@imercenary: Another company that screwed up would have restored the games and called it a day. Valve restored the games, gave an apology with more detail than most other companies would trust their users to have, and gave a bonus.

This is why gamers trust Steam. Sure, Valve could revoke access to all of your titles at a moment's notice, blow up your computer, and feed coolant to your dog. But Valve does these amazing acts like a company gamers can trust. They behave like they're just as interested in fostering a community as making money, if

Any way to individually address the lights for a really bright game of 3D Tic-Tac-Toe?

@hawkeye18: My home city in California, Sunnyvale, combined fire, police, and emergency medical into one response team. There are fewer people overall, the response time is faster, and while pay is 20k above average, the overall costs are below what they had been before. Sunnyvale also created a recycling center

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Do we know that for a fact? Personally, I'd be looking for the 1.6W phones with the presumption that they're most likely to get reception.

@AngriestGeek: The questioner brings up Civil War. Joss says that the difference in characters in the movie will not lead to a Civil War plotline, but rather witty banter.

Click into the video. Hold Left for a few seconds. Snake!

I thought the point of 3D was to create a differentiation between theaters and home viewing. Charging extra for the one thing that has been driving people back into the theaters seems like selling the chickens you bought to get eggs. If they want to create a solid, established reason for people to choose to go out

Redundancy creates more opportunity for viruses to enter your system.

@adlyb1: I have Comcast here in the US. Over a shared wireless router with 4 other people and 5 simultaneous background downloads, according to I'm still getting 15 down and 2.5 up. Not bad at all.

Expensive gaming setup... Incredibly cheap flight trainer. I wonder to whom it will sell more.

I wonder if craigslist in 15 years will be looked back upon like hitchhiking is from the 60's. For a while it was safe and great, and then it became a deathtrap.

I've always wondered how long before every product in existence required permission before being photographed. If you want to shoot a dinnertable scene in a movie, you'll need to clear rights for the plates, the clothing, the utensils, the table, the GM chicken in the middle... all of that has "expressive" content,

@blub: Quality means nothing? Have you seen the RED cameras out now?

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: I've always wanted a pinball cabinet. I now have a friend who owns and maintains a Lord of the Rings pinball set.

@Xagest: Twilight zone did that to some degree.

As much as I love these games, can we agree to stop putting meaningless locations into the titles? "Oh look, it's the Shores of Unputubula. I've wanted to go there since I was a wee vaastrianian in plestronkula school."