
Tell us how you really feel. No really, don't hold back.

@Blah8: They'll probably have to transition him like they transitioned Madden: from star driven game to game that keeps a star alive.

Movie people have been coming to gaming for years and screwing it up. The game development mindset is different than that of a movie maker.

@ZenGaijin: While I loved Sunshine's brutal gameplay and tropical vibe, the weakest point was what they asked you to do for the first hour of play.

@Mr.Tofu: I had friends in 1998 who devoted most of their time to making games on the 2600. It's not just about retrogaming. It's about retrodevelopment.

@aion7: Note that he's visibly shown not waking up in the van. This would lead credence to 5).

@SKiTz: The totem didn't fall in his wife's dream, because she didn't know the underlying inconsistencies in the totem. Arthur explains that all to Ariadne, and is why Arthur has a secretly weighted dice and Ariadne has a secretly weighted chess piece. Ariadne can't touch Arthur's totem, because then she'll know its

@SKiTz: Would it matter? If he has pulled back into his own mind, he knows how the top is supposed to behave. The totems in the dream world supposedly behave differently from the real world, because only the agent knows the particulars of that totem.

@yaschwartz: The TI-89 still uses a 68000 chipset. Perhaps what you meant was they aren't important for their hardware, but for their software?

@l_oliveira: Don't you mean Warner Brothers?

@Mr.Tofu: MSX was pretty much the equivalent of DOS in Japan. If you had a computer there, it was probably an MSX, of which there were many flavors and manufacturers. And if you were making a game before the NES, you probably got it running on an MSX based system first. Like the first Metal Gear.

TI seemed to be making great strides in graphing calculators... right up until the point where Casio and HP pulled back on their high-end. I've never seen a better demonstration of competition (or lack therof) in action. In '93 high resolution color calculators seemed right around the corner. Now they're still a

Now an app can get pulled if the app violates Apple's policies, OR if the app's users violate Apple's policies?

"says the investment will eventually bring in between $500 million and a billion dollars for the publisher."

@BaconXBits: Or who backup friend's games. Or buy games, back them up, and sell them back to GameStop, etc.

1/2 of a percent of 2 million people is... ten thousand phone calls?

@Izod517: Target, Best Buy, and other big-box retailers seem to do OK on video game sales. They seem to keep more in stock than EB, and sell for less.

@Hatebunny: I bought Final Fantasy 7 new on launch day from EB, and took a vacation in order to have enough time to play it.

If you want to try the old Haunted House, it's on Game Room for the 10 minute demo.

@seishino: Oh, and this was also Boston.