
@bobbylandry: My ex found a pair of amazing speakers for by the side of the road, and purchased another for $40 off of craigslist. The first pair is from the 90's, and does amazing reproduction for electronic music. The second was from the 70's, sounded amazing for jazz and classical, and was about 2k new for the

I remember listening happily to Cassette tapes over crappy sub-boomboxes (if anyone still remembers those). Some of the most influential music in my life was heard on crap.

For those who don't know, the King of Kong took a lot of liberties with reality in an attempt to make a good film. For examples, when Steve was going for a high score live at Funspot, he already had the world's high-score, and 2 days later when Mitchell's videotaped score is removed from the database, Steve retains

This is still a fan-project, right? Can people volunteer some VO and pathfinder time?

Todo, which syncs to the far-less-mundanely named Toodledoo.

The only byproduct *in flight* is water. To produce the Hydrogen, you first need to utilize a large amount of electricity created by traditional means. This could be solar or wind, but more likely it will be coal or gas like so much of our power. Depending on efficiency, the amount of gas required to generate that

Here I was hoping it would choose the music for you. Hit route 66 at 90 MPH, and it plays Born to be Wild. Drive through downtown New York, and it flips to DJ Krush. On a freeway but stuck in stop-n-go traffic? It alternates between elevator music and Norwegian death metal.

I'm a little confused about T-Mobile. They're marked for death, because they haven't built out a useless marketing buzzword network yet? Unless I'm mistaken, they've consistently made about %10 profit on a userbase of 33 million. And that's during a recession. That hardly seems like a time to throw in the towel.

@itsallgoode9: I'd argue that "standards in CG" are being used to cover up artistic incompetence at storytelling. 9, for example, had the pacing of a made-for-TV movie. The Triplets of Belleville had a great story, and a paultry (hand) animation budget of 8 million.

@scout121: It's Predator! They should be adding beard grain. Heck, they should make each hair in Arnie's beard into a tiny razor blade embedded into his face. Then add more film grain, adjust the contrast so that everything is nearly black-and-red, record wet sand being thrown onto a camera lens and add that into

If you haven't seen them, you used to be able to pick up Worms condoms from Team 17.

Or... you could render using lower polygons, fewer internal ray reflections (or no ray tracing) or other processor intensive visual tricks. Toy Story 1 used "over 100" workstations to render in 95. You could probably pull that off these days in a single rack in near realtime.

Most console upgrades are a literal 10x improvement... 10x the visuals, audio, output... it's massive, and tied to improvements in the PC video card market.

@Chard: I am not a vegetable: I'd say that in the states, an undergrad-level degree is a hazing... a rite of passage. If you don't have one in any field, people will dismiss your application far quicker. If your particular field requires you to have a degree in it, that will probably be a masters-level degree.

@Dark_Mirage: DQ 1 did very well stateside. It was almost impossible to miss Dragon Warrior in the NES days, and supposedly it sold a half million units... quite the feat for back then.

@minibeardeath: How else would you make vaccines if you didn't have any of the virus left? If we didn't actually eradicate all of the disease, we might well be screwed without samples.

@Cleesox: I second that. While I'm mostly waiting to see how Criterion's next racer turns out, GT5 is setting a standard for visuals that probably won't be matched for many years.

@pridex: With an update this big, there should be lots of new players to play against.

@Lifewhacker: Start as a medic, and be helpful as you get the hang of things. They're relatively easy, and everyone loves to see a medic. Engineer is also a good class to start out with, as you mostly stay at the edge of the front line, and everybody loves turrets.

@tk.: I was shocked to not see a Puzzle Quest 2 review. The first achieved Warcrack like addiction levels for a sizable portion of the population. And Puzzle Quest 2 re-envisions the whole thing in a Diablo framework. Either of these things alone would normally warrant a review.