
Yay! Now Tech support can attempt to explain why their PS3 doesn't work if they plug the ethernet port into the TV and the TV into the network and the network into their iPhone.

This is strangely reminiscent of Nintendo's heart rate monitor attachment. Is there a crossover title in the future?

Killed? More like stillborn.

@WEGGLES90: My fiancee and I get pretty much all of the TV we would watch through Netflix's streaming service. For about 1/5th of the cost of traditional cable video.

It seems like now you have to choose which system you'll get the upgraded online experience for: PS3 or Xbox. At the moment, there seems to be a lot more reason to go gold on the Xbox than the PS3 (mostly due to the Xbox not including online play in their free offering).

Why would you spend money on the main keys? Why not just use little screens on the function keys, since those are the ones which change for every application?

Sadly, to spy you have to seem completely normal. To seem completely normal is a boring life.

I hate to say it, but triple-A games never refer to themselves as triple-A games. And experiences on caliber with Mario never refer to themselves as experiences on caliber with Mario. They don't have to.

He was "mistaken." He probably was supposed to keep his trap shut until an official announcement. "Mistaken" doesn't mean "wrong."

What to expect: People will be censored. Publishers with money won't.

Oddly enough, the Wii has a system whereby a non-deletable message is sent to the console every day, recapping what was played that day and for how long.

The TG-16 version of Splatterhouse is available on the Wii VC (oddly enough). The game actually had a lot of odd design decisions going for it, especially in the physics and collision models. It would have been a fun game without the theme, simply with the sense of empowerment over your moment-to-moment life mixed

@KryptonZero: I had been wondering about the whole "please think of the children" thing. Lots of cities have red light districts. Red light districts don't exist to filter out naughtyness from cities. They exist to make it easier to find.

@ryusen: Also, if I remember correctly the XXX registrar wanted something like 10x the normal fee in order to register XXX domains.

I never understood the justification for why videoing a police officer is illegal (state consent laws), but security videos and police videos are somehow exempt.

@m0m0: You should be able to get a real skateboard for about the same cost as Ride. People will gladly charge you more, but blank boards are cheap and effective.

Analog sticks that are actually sticks.

@8thR: Even in the show, they're people in suits. They always have blood.

Don't forget that the Wii downloadable store is both amazingly slow, and contains the kind of elevator music that makes you want to gouge your own eyes out and stuff them into the speakers.

@TheSolarKnight: On the Xbox 360, they're tied to EITHER the console or the downloading account. So if you bring your account to a friend's house, you can use your content on their Xbox provided you're logged in. Or anyone on your downloading console can use it.