
@MauricioHavok: If you have the kind of job where you make $500 an hour, dropping 3 hours pay on something you're going to use all of the time doesn't seem that outrageous.

Only 3 HDMI ports? For a screen that size, shouldn't there be at least 5?

@Guardala_Fan: Some of the 900 cars could be Karts. There is a training kart track out here in Boston that you can practice on, where the karts go up to 130. Make it a specific classification of automobile, and it makes sense.

As much as I love this concept, Yanko Design just makes me sad. It's like Christmas, except all of the presents are wrapped in clear packages and you can't unwrap them for ten years.

@Xagest: There are two versions: online and offline. The online version is basically an advanced version of notepad, with all of the HTML-friendly online editing of wikipedia.


@Brdf: I count 3 non-sequels:

@Superlocke: Any game with giant hamburgers is worth a look. Someone on their team "gets" it. The addition of the Happy Tree Friends guys is strange, but hopeful.

@doug316: I rather wish they'd make this a settable preference. Not only would it make this a much better experience, it would hopefully focus the comments on the content, rather than the terrible presentation.

@StopTheLHC: Or you can track your wife / children / husband. You know, if you're into that sort of thing. Or you suspect they are.

So... instead of re-drawing everything in high definition, they're recycling the same sprites but making them really, really small?

@PyramidHeadcrab: Let's talk about stickers. Remember those old stickers that would animate as you walked by them? They were thicker than most, with lots of plastic on front, and had really big vertical lines on them.

@styfle: I believe the lowest you can get with an iPhone is 450 anytime + unlimited nights and weekends. Unless you have kids who do a lot of daytime chatting, why bother with VoIP?

@ekap: Somehow it doesn't feel like that should matter. If you have a microcell, it is because there is a flaw in AT&T's network where you live. Having to provide your own network because theirs is broken, then getting charged for it, would be infuriating.

@SaggyBalls: This is a DMCA exemption they're petitioning for. The DMCA has these exceptions rulings because it is massively broad and overbearing. The DMCA explicitly makes illegal anything that circumvents a lockout or control mechanism on copyrighted content. For example, it is illegal to disseminate software

@vinod1978: I remember when unlocking phones expressly became legal. It went from something that had to be done in the shady backrooms of Chinatown, to something you could get done at a kiosk in front of Hot Topic. Then, of course, the companies started unlocking phones for their customers as a service, and things

@revolverx: Actually, in the U.S. it is. The DMCA expressly outlaws modifying software or hardware to bypass "copyright protections," and that category is broad enough to cover a tremendous amount of territory. Breaking the copy control on your phone to run unsigned software most definitely fits into that category.