
@phunnyballs: It looks like they were shooting the darned thing for 48 hours straight. That takes a lot of effort and planning, and people willing to sleep in the middle of the park on camera. Note that their wakeup is awfully fast. I suspect there were bathroom breaks dropped from frames.

Vaguely hybrid Space Harrier / ground shooter. Are those flying sections on rails?

@Jason Taylor: There was a sequel to Actraiser, if you haven't played it.

After the Burnout Paradise, Criterion has earned an automatic purchase here. Hopefully Need For Speed can live up to that legacy.

@seishino: Oh, and Teleroboxer from the Virtua Boy.

@ninjacrusader: While I agree with the sentiment, we've got to eat. Sequels and remakes are much easier to pitch to the cash people, and have a generally higher return.

Might I suggest:

And this is why I still love Devo.

@Kage56: I'm guessing that the team, being already familiar with the 360 hardware, probably manage to keep their 360 build about 2 months ahead of the PS3 build. The PS3 team is probably polishing and finishing up on the engine and core Dead Rising 2 functionality, while the 360 team is freed up to work on this in

@FriedPeeps: Yes and no. Instructables had a nice little piece on it, but that requires an old MS hard drive.

While it is an interesting concept, I can't imagine this was designed by an acoustic engineer. I can just hear the bass on that thing, and it makes me want to cry.

@MrCheatachu: These are people who practice extensively and know the minutae of their tools. They could probably feel if the stitching was done differently in their practice balls.

@brass2themax: While I agree for now, it seems that Sony is feeling the pain of upkeep costs on their network. What they're providing (delayed access to demos for non-payers, PSN discounts) sounds admirable, in that they're trying to avoid reneging on their promise of free online multiplayer. But it also sounds

@lycosman: The Arcade unit has always been the system of choice if / when something bad happens to your main Xbox. I know I've been waiting for this announcement / price drop to replace a flaky 120 GB 360.

@Deaf Mute: The transfer cable is the same as the current one, which you can buy currently for about $10. Alternatively, you can borrow from a friend... Sadly these things have been a fact of life for 360 users for a while. Ask around. They're pretty widely around.

@scrapplejoe: Target's circular called for a 50 gift certificate for picking up a $149 Arcade unit. That makes it basically a $100 unit, if you shop at Target regularly.

This is needs to be supported in Gran Turismo 5.

@tomsomething: It's a metallic tape that vaguely resembles the brushed aluminum it is supposed to go onto. Any color besides some sort of Chamelion color matching scheme is going to look weird.