
@AncientUnknown1: How much of an upgrade could one really provide with a new console? Sure, 4GB of RAM and Blu-Ray disks would be shiny. 3D from the outset, and motion controllers that aren't 1st-generation would be nice. But really, what would an upgrade currently really get you?

@n00dl3s: You know what else is less functional than the original PS3? The current PS3.

@hurricanedj: Transferring between Xboxes usually consists of moving a hard drive from one to the other, and logging in again. If you want to play not-logged-in, you do the once-a-year transfer thingie. You can also call up tech support if you need to do more than one.

@acidrain69: As a follow-up, generally the internal components get upgraded to be quieter, more reliable, cheaper to make, and smaller. The 360 over its lifespan has seen many of these upgrades (mainly because it started so loud, breakable, and expensive). But most of those upgrades were internal-only, and not

@Divine-Shadow: You might want to talk to some actual developers. There are a few that make tremendous amounts of money (including a friend over at Subatomic Studios). But the great swath of developers are struggling to get any sort of notice at all. As of last year, 200 games a week were being released on the

Is it just me, or does it look like they've ditched the external hard drive?

@tzkelley: Exactly. I've been waiting for another computer resolution jump for years, and a phone with a 300 DPI screen is downright shockingly good. Arguing about whether or not it is effectively pixel free seems foolish. It's as if Toyota released a 100 MPG Prius, and everyone sat around saying "well, it's only

@theALLseeingEYE: The trailer looks like a 3rd person action perspective that moves to over-the-shoulder for closer weapons combat. Not to single out the Itagaki team for a problem that plagues modern gaming, but I'd guess that the camera will continue to be a problem.

@DittoBox: A great game on the shelf is better than a perfect game that will never be released. I'm all for delaying a game a few months or even a year or two to really nail the experience, but this is getting silly.

A game that takes 7 years to make has got to involve a lot of development failure. Sure, they want it to be the premier racing title and sell lots of PS3's. But they also released 2 prologues, which sapped enthusiasm and excitement for the final released product. And 7 years in development is just plain silly. At

@seishino: And I can't spell "sequel" today for some reason. Apolagies.

@enslavedbynumber: While I thank you for posting the numbers, have you seen the year-on decline of yearly iteration sales? It seems like everyone expects Madden sales numbers on franchises that bear little resemblance to that series. Realistically, you can expect a yearly iteration of most series to decline in

@minibeardeath: You realize your digital alarm clock really has only been around for about 3 decades? Before that were electric flips, then electric analogs, then wind-up analogs. Clocks change all the time.

I just picked up a chumby, and I have to say that I love it. It is an always on ambient useless data device, willy-nilly flipping between Google Calendar, This Day In History, and pictures of puppies.

Maybe it's just me, but isn't that how you're supposed to build up your immune system? Exposure to 3D movies?

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: I was actually quite fond of the reboot. They managed to do justice to an entire ensemble cast despite being a single movie. There was none (err, less) of the overwrought / trite Hallmark philosophizing that has plagued the movies since 4. The bad guys were disposable, but setting up

So the UK gets actual choice in the cellular market, and the US gets a monopoly BS lock-in.

@chickennakatsu: The Manfrotto MotoSteady is also available for around $100. It's enough to start practicing with the principles of a steadycam for cheap, assuming you have a light camera.

Does it really matter from a long-term perspective? Apple makes boatloads of cash off of the iPhone. Said boatloads of money are taken into account over time as the company returns significant profits. A momentary dip has nothing to do with eventual stock price, which is based upon perceived value of the company.

This actually seems kind of sad. Netflix pushed out into a totally unique way. So did Redbox. Jim Keyes is bringing nothing new to the table, except for a purchased 28 day window of exclusivity (which eats into their sustainability). They're trying to do all of the parts that everyone else is doing (subscription,