
@Mike Hamilton: To be fair, cube had about a 300k budget. "Low budget" Sci-Fi channel movies generally have 2 million dollar budgets. That's almost 10 times the budget. Cube was also made in 1997, where Sci-Fi didn't really get momentum behind their independent films until 2002-ish. That gives Sci-Fi channel

So, the cube itself is essentially is a structure where a series of puzzles happen. The solution to these puzzles points to the doorway that the people within the cube are supposed to go. Choose the wrong door? You're dead. As the people within the cube progress, they need to solve the local puzzle of how to stay

@CCAF drlard: On a computing cost basis, a network of PS3's is tiny compared to other options. It's also relatively easy to manage. Sony touted the "Other OS" feature for exactly this purpose. And PS2's have been used similarly in the past.

@Deanb: The 3D in Avatar the Game for the 360 isn't anaglyph. It transmits through a normal 3D standard, and can be viewed on either shutter or polarized (or anything else, really) 3D TV's.

@Deanb: Not to keep harping on this point, but Sub-SD running in 3D is still 3D. There have been 3D glasses available for computers in the interim, with Nvidia doing a push in the late 90's, early 00's on computers. They didn't get very far, partly because the high-end 120hz CRT's they promoted were receding from

So... instead of starting on other projects right away, developers will be hammering away on the previous project until it streets.

@Deanb: The cable can't carry 2 1080p video streams at 60 fps. But it does have the bandwidth to do 2 1080p video streams at 30 fps. Really, at that point it's just one 60FPS stream, but with even frames corresponding to left eye, and odd frames corresponding to the right eye. Alternatively, HDMI 1.2 has the

And this is why you always ask for sign-off on articles that you participate in, and never allow mentions of your employer without their approval.

@Deanb: Or you could drop to 30 FPS. Then you would have very little for the system to do except jump the camera 6 inches to the right every other frame, and sending sync signals to the TV.

@peteer02: hates geofencing: I've definitely seen a few movies in the cinema without my glasses and thought they were gorgeous, only to finally see the blu-ray version in vision-o-vision and be thoroughly disappointed. Sometimes the beer goggles, and lack of glasses, helps.

@effin: A high-def wii would be difficult to do. Old software wouldn't have the texture resolution to take advantage anyway, and new software would need to be written with dual-wii compatibility in mind.

In a strange bit of karma, the Ultra 64 had to be named the Nintendo 64 because of some practices in the NES days. By Nintendo decree a company could only release 4 games a year for the NES. Large game publishers had to setup shell companies if they wanted to release more than 4. Konami was in this particular boat,

Weird. So Nintendo is promoting the Wii / DS by showing that they have just under half of the best selling games in the US. Of course, they also have half of the systems.

@VileMethoD: This was exactly my thought. You pay for Xbox Live multiplayer access, and you pay for the game. To also pay for the Xbox Live Multiplayer access on This Game seems a bit absurd.

@senselocke: As one of the other posters pointed out, they removed some of the PS2 components and relied on emulation, then they removed the rest of the PS2 components and gave up.

@mrantimatter: I don't think Bionic Commando is impossible in 3D. There are other 3D swinging games out there that are actually quite good, such as bits of the Spiderman series. But when even basic things like combat is fundamentally broken, you have to question what the designers were thinking.

Wii Party. Isn't that redundant at this point? Could we please have "Wii Really Deep and Engaging Experience?"

Seconds-to-crate? When your hyped-up feature is exploding crates, that's a -5.

@Zhris: Has anyone really bought avatar clothing?

@Antiterra: Going for the classic 4 basic elements really feels like they ran out of ideas. It should heavily penalize your seconds-to-crate score, if not count as an immediate crate itself. []