
@Antiterra: Going for the classic 4 basic elements really feels like they ran out of ideas. It should heavily penalize your seconds-to-crate score, if not count as an immediate crate itself. []

I probably put in a few hundred hours on Raystorm on the PS1. The "extra" mode is extremely well balanced.

Can you Nuclear over a fridge?

@VincentGrey: According to Major Nelson, they're the 2nd biggest selling game on Xbla for a few weeks. That number does congeal all of their games into one sales lump, but beating out a high-profile Final Fight re-release with an emulator that has 30 titles isn't bad. If they can get their weekly release schedule

@jargy1: I don't mean to seem like I'm disagreeing with the comments about nickle-and-diming, but some of those games are genuine classics. Asteriods, Tempest, Centipede, Crystal Castles, Yar's Revenge, Lunar Lander, Adventure... these really were some of the biggest games of their time. They're damned old, and

@nipsen: There is a weird bit of math going on in online games.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Dreamcast based upon Windows CE, the Xbox based upon Win2k, and the 360 a further variant thereof? I'm guessing that due to the lineage they're easier to port than, say, random PS2 games might be.

@JoetheArachnid: No, but they *did* run at a lower framerate. Instead of drawing at a full 30FPS, they drew one eye on one frame and the other on the other, leading to an effective 15 FPS.

@Demonbird: Color me jaded, but it seems like motion controls and other major system additions signal the end of a console lifecycle. There are other experiences out there which the base console does not provide, and until the next system is released these shortcomings are masked by hardware additions.

I'm going with Yay. It's nice to see Ubisoft doing something right for once.

Translation: Our PC business is going down the tubes, and arcane DRM is the only thing keeping our investors from lynching us. This has nothing to do with everyone buying laptops that our titles run like junk on. Or consoles providing a much more compelling experience and value proposition. Or PC gamers spending

@badasscat: The flip side is that games being declared "not-art" by people is a way of the culture looking down upon it. And until such a time as you're secure in yourself, that has repercussions for jobs, business interactions, etc.

Nintendo, of course, immediately sweeps in and refuses to supply product for any retailer selling these for less than 34.99.

You can have good Christian rock. There are definitely good Christian rock bands out there.

@Mentuss: Let me preface this by saying that I don't believe current motion controls should qualify as motion controls. The information you get from basic accelerometers like in the Wii or the Sixaxis is so noisy and dirty that they're almost entirely useless. Sure, in theory you could integrate across an

@dagamer34: Use diagonal separation, then poll the accelerometer to determine which speaker is on which side?

As much as I would love to see another fun / tasteless / insulting Shadow Warrior, I have to doubt the sanity of anyone who would give Broussard funding. In 13 years, not even a public demo? A paid Beta? No revenue at all?

So the revolutionary, modern, high-tech solution for iPad gaming is... a button overlay? What is this, the intellivision? Next thing, they'll be porting Vextrex games.