
I'm starting to suspect that taking an anti-apple stance these days is basically a form of rebellion against the general concept of ivory tower elitism. People get so stratified in modern culture that a counter movement has sprung up in vitriolic reaction to a company perceived to be pandering to those with inflated

As someone who has been on all 3 sides of leaks, I have to believe that most leaks degrade the overall gaming experience for everyone. If Nintendo had a proper chance to prepare for this release, they'd have a much more excited fanbase. The E3 leaks take all of the fun out of E3 coverage in exchange for, what, 5

Marble Blast Ultra is still a favorite, at 400 points.

@ThursdayNext: I saw a lot of kids get into trouble with sex in elementary school. This wasn't just about being ready to have adult consent. This was about kids who didn't know what the adults were doing, nobody told them what it was or that it was wrong, and so they didn't know to tell them to stop. Kids who

You're daughter is 9 and you haven't talked with her about sex? What are you waiting for, her first pregnancy?

That DSI has lights, batteries, and a circuit board. This is Boston. Be glad they didn't shoot you in a panic.

@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: Angering DS customers to combat piracy seems like foolish. That's like stopping people from playing your CD's, in order to prevent them from downloading them from the internet.

Wasn't Blaster Master already a combination of Blaster Master and Metroid?

@AchromaticMagus: Sony's early push on UMD as a movie format failed spectacularly. This resulted in a lot of dilluted messages, and some angry movie purchasers.

@sereal: If they're based on the sharp screens that have been out for a few years, they're stereoscopic, it's just that the screen uses angles to determine which eye sees what.

@mintycrys is HOT for Bayonetta: It could also be that healthcare is currently 20% of our economy, whereas nearly everywhere else in the world it is but 10%. You could randomly select a healthcare system out of Wikipedia, and you'd be saving money.

@Azel: I love how a good amount of the criticism of single-payer systems like the NHS is that panels of judges will decide if you are fit for coverage due to your contribution to society. In a capitalist society, your contribution is by definition the amount of money that you have. In a pure capitalist healthcare

On the one hand, I accept that there isn't a huge amount of difference that can be made for a year-to-year title update. But a big selling feature being less foolish receiver AI? Has EA really run out of improvements and ideas?

It seems like some games are more fun to script / build an object to cheat with than they are to actually play. I'm personally waiting for an MMORPG that includes bot-building tools as part of the standard install.

@diabadass: Final Fantasy 3 (6 in japan) had a trick where you could hold down the attack button on the raft. If you had previously set your healer to heal, and everyone else to attack, you would keep making a menu choice that would turn you the "wrong way" around a looping river, keeping you in a permanent loop.

I would add that an 18+ rating for Australia is not really the equivalent of "adult rated" games in other countries, which carries all sorts of connotations. The ESRB, for example, has only a handful of games rated "Adults Only."

@Taggart6: Oddly enough, it gets easier after that point. The difficult curve is a bit unbalanced.

@stagga: There were a couple of great AvP scripts floating around in the 90's that you can probably still find online. One was set in a jungle, like this movie, and one was set on a cattle planet, which gave the Aliens more force. Both were pretty stunning, and both were deemed too expensive to film. Hence, the

@Brodka: regrettably: Personally, I think this is a way of disavowing Predator 2 ever happened... claiming that it is the true sequel to Predator. Forget all the awful stuff that has happened in the interim... the focus tested Predator 2, the kneecapped AVP 1 and 2. This is the "real," 1980's Predator.

I know they did a chip overhaul a few years back. But has Microsoft done any slimming / shrinking of the base console yet? If not, now would definitely be the time.