
@ELMATT0: If I'm remembering correctly, you wouldn't want to eat the cereal because it was The Nintendo Cereal System. It was a flavor so hideous it could only be marketed as the taste of electronics. I vaguely recall Super Mario Brothers tasting like a fake peanut-butter-and-teflon version of Captain Crunch. The

@Alessar: When your character dies, you wake up in the middle of a contract dispute with Paramount. You then have to play a "1,000,000 people support bringing back this character" Facebook minigame. Do well, and you show up in the movies with a big salary and popularity boost. Do poorly, and you're starring in the

Isn't that the tradeoff with all game designs, though? Create a penalty for death that gives risk to player interactions, without being so punishing that they die and walk away forever or feel arbitrarily punished. It's not some deep quandary, just a balancing question.

On the one hand, the screenshots look vaguely 640x480 scaled up, no or minimal AA. It's sad that they lost the smoothness, but not terrible.

@Aki: The 360 and PS3 have different strengths and bottlenecks. The PS3 has a ton of disk space to work with (though access times are a problem), and a pretty good main processor. The 360 has great interprocessor communications, and a good GPU. The problem with all of this, is that what you do to make something

I'm surprised more companies don't have contests for fans to make the art. I'm guessing a fan-art cover of Super Street Fighter IV would look amazing, and with the possible insertion of some of the unannounced characters could be shippable.

@CordableTuna: Steam has some advantages. 1: You can download the client and install it anywhere, then download all of your games. 2: No retail required. Just buy from your computer. 3: Cross-title friends lists, similar to Xbox Live and PSN. 4. Deep sales on old titles.

@Estel: There are already 0-day cracks. They're called the 360 and PS3 versions, and they've been satisfying pent-up demand for about a year now. Because of these, you'll probably see a much flatter demand curve for this version, making Week 1 sales far less important.

So... you can pay $60 for a version that boots you out whenever your internet connection goes down, or you can torrent a hacked version that is more stable and will play on trains.

@Zerorush: It's a game about people beating each other unconscious hundreds of times a day while jumping 30 feet in the air and throwing fireballs. The only way consistency could be even less relevant to the Street Fighter experience is to make forum posts complaining about it.

@Alex_Mexico: Not traditionally. Makoto (at least in SF3) played more like an actual martial artist than the DP / Fireball / Hurricane Kick shotos. She relies on basic short-range attacks with good priority and a meticulous management of position and distance over flashy specials.

While I don't mean to downplay the severity of threats and unhappy messages... If you're a public figure and haven't had someone threaten something rash and improbable, you're doing it wrong. I'd put good odds down that Crecente, Kojima, Kotick, and Miyamoto have all gotten death threats at some point or another.

@HowIsYourFlat: While I'd dispute some of the classifications of previous titles (Marathon beat the pants off of Doom), the bigger concern is that very few of those Bungie people are probably still there, and even fewer current Bungie team members have ever worked on a non-halo Bungie title. In this fast paced

@Shrewsbury: Ultimately you only missed one map: Big Surf Island. It was definitely a fun 5 hours of content or so, but it could have been better integrated with the larger map.

@underwing: The 3D Virtual Boy by Nintendo had a 7 page manual. On no less than 5 pages did it mention that it would probably make you nauseous.

@ifandbut: Having sampled basically all of the 3D technology out there, Shutter Glasses really seem to be the way to go right now. Red / Blue kills your colors, Polarization requires expensive rejigging of televisions, and Parallax looks like you're looking through a bumpy shower curtain. Shutter Glasses, on the

@Shenta: I saw parallax 3D setup for advertising in shopping malls in asia a few years ago.

@Ninja Tree: Usually during development one platform is the lead, and the other gets ported code that is then optimized to better match the specifications of a specific system. I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox 360 was still being brought up to speed with the PS3 version at the time this screenshot was made.

@Eternalbl: "Obviously this was not intentional." By "this," I wonder if they mean getting caught.

@OW-Holmes: Bayonetta's demo took me from having no interest in the game to pre-ordering it. Same with Burnout Paradise.