
@ImmaLion: Or Bullet Hell. That's how I refer to them, anyway, though I haven't been a regular player in about 5 years.

@guskooyman: My first activation e-mail had a broken link. My second activation e-mail was empty. I'm guessing their response system is a bit overloaded at the moment.

@thirdraven: How do you out-of-court settle for 1.5 million dollars? Unless he's rich, that's basically settling by saying that they will declare bankruptcy. It's a bit silly.

@m0m0: And HD does *not* mean a graphics battle royalle. HD output just means taking the same images, same visuals, and rendering them at a higher rate. It wouldn't have any "better graphics," than a high-definition version of The Muppet Show looks like Avatar, but a high definition version of The Muppet Show still

@Stradigos: Has Squaresoft ever been an efficiency engine? They're legendary for overstaffing, running long, and swinging for the fences. They deliver amazing, over-the-top spectacles. They're the Hollywood blockbusters of whiny emo kids with spiky hair.

@urfe: I picked up an HDTV for a 360. And I have to say, all the low-def content looks pretty terrible now. What's important seems to be your source... If you really have high-def content, it's best to have a high-def screen. Low-def content definitely looks better on a traditional CRT.

@mikecoscia: Thank you, and please repeat this to other people. High Definition content isn't just about 1080 horizontal scanlines. It's about the compression level. Compress a 1080 stream too much, and you might as well be looking at a youtube video, "HD" label or not.

@jcb231: Some suit somewhere is rubbing their hands together repeating to themselves "Halo 4 DLC"

So they want to end disk resales by having everyone convert to digital downloads, thereby increasing profit margins by... oh... judging by Dead Space, about 100%. Yet they don't want to give an inch on the price, or otherwise give an incentive for the switch. Strange, that.

@skutarth: It was popular in the arcades long before the Genesis port.

Only 4 characters on screen at once? Perfect game for the Wii.

@Wahrheit: Blizzard has a history of "When it's done" development... burning tremendous amounts of money in the pursuit of perfection. When they finally ship, they live up to that perfection, and are rewarded enough to support developing the next title in the same fashion. It's really hard to start that way,

50 million dollars in development, VS 200 million in advertising? *THIS*, people, is why gaming is in the state that it is in. Your advertising budget should have some parity with your development budget! Otherwise you're grossly underestimating the value of the actual media you're selling.

@ChewyChew: Drifting looks awesome, sure. But is there any evidence that it won't be this generation's side-hack? I mean, by losing grip on the track and ensuring that you can't transfer power from your wheels, do you demonstrably go faster?

I left FF3 for 7 days with an auto-fire trigger, earning basically infinite money and levels on the rafting loop. That's not really paused, but it is basically neglected.

@seishino: *or 120 dollars on each PSP Go sold.

@christill: I'm sure they take a bigger cut at digital than retail. Assume, for example, that they take 5 at retail and 15 at digital for each title sold, and that the average PSP buyer picks up 8 games. That's profit margins of 40 dollars for the PSP, or 120 dollars on each PSP sold (not including hardware costs).

@Jennacide: Microsoft's strategy seems to be to charge for absolutely everything, and see what sticks. Notice that they cut gamerpics (which didn't sell) for avatars (which might), and changed how their UI was themed to provide more value to the junk they're trying to sell. They'll probably just find better ways to

@Dreamwriter: MS will need to be maintaining a large cross-referenced database of which roms run from which Emulators. I suspect there will be a pool of emulators on each machine, and when a ROM doesn't have its corresponding emulator it will be downloaded in addition to the ROM.