Mama says people is mean because they gots no teeth and all those toothbrushes
Mama says people is mean because they gots no teeth and all those toothbrushes
Also, *this is not a workplace*. The party is cobbled together from disaster survivors on a desperate mission to get parasites out of their heads. Nobody was watching fire safety videos on their first day.
If we unleashed an onslaught of 2-6 yr old’s at them, they’d have no choice. I can barely handle 2 let alone thousands/millions.
A Jet going down on 9/11 is a little too on the nose, universe.
And in 2023 that anti-vampire senator seems tame compared to the actual bat-shite crazy fascists that have taken over the Republican party.
I have no opinion on Taylor Momsen but that guy in the photo wearing ski goggles as a fashion statement has me grinding my teeth.
The Pretty Reckless has a few bangers in their catalog & she has a good rock voice, so I think she made the right call.
Imagine you wanted to get laid but you have to wait until the evening before the final boss.
Found Shadowheart
I don’t bone down with strangers. I need a bit of trust and respect first before I feel comfortable enough for any intimacy. I might not make you go through the whole mission chain, but we’re at least going on a few quests and doing some dialogue checks. I also need to know you’re not a loot goblin.
“because many lifeless bodies overlap each other like flesh pasta”, is not a sentence I expected to read today.
As someone said on Twitter, he got as close as he could to 100 without going over.
I think there is a bit of sociopathy that bleeds into it by the nature of their willingness to do all these things as if “the rules” don’t apply to them. The best example of it was Maul in Rebels where he wasn’t hiding the fact that he wanted to take Ezra as his own apprentice and was using him to accomplish his own…
Yes, I thought it was a bad photoshop of Data!
I’m about the same height and weight as you. I think Donald Trump has to be at least 280, right? Or maybe 290? 300? Is his true weight almost 50% larger than the lie he’s telling us?
I’m 6' and when I weighed 230 I looked skinnier than he does.
Is it just me, or did anyone else see Brent Spiner when they saw the hero shot at the top?
Sir, pretty much....
I’d been using the name Theon (which I came up with at like 11) for all my CRPG and some of my MMO characters, and then I read a little book called A Game of Thrones, and well that was over, and the TV series only made it way, way more over.