
You can see dude’s nipple.

....partial nudity?

Kid Cudi definitely did the right thing. The next thing they could’ve thrown might have been rocks.
But that type of concert and crowd, is not the right one for him. Remember that’s the same city that couldn’t wait to open up pandemic regulations in the most public areas, as well as the same town that tried to kick

If Rolling Loud is meant to be an environment where black musicians come out and let their maga hats fly, then hey...I guess they’re in the right state.
But, I could’ve sworn that some of them wanted to inspire their fans to be better people? So i guess that’s the bigger joke.

There is a video of the guy throwing it from deep in the crowd. I saw some other videos from the show and it seems like no one was into any of the music from any of the acts and were there to act like fools. I’m talking about a completely dead crowd.

Peacock. And she can run back to back with Amber Ruffin.

Or MS-NBC. I'm not so sure about CBS anymore.

I expect this to get picked up by Paramount quickly.

sic semper yomama

Please let it be Kirk.

But those are all for different rulesets, haha!

I worry that pointless snark like in the article might dissuade people who see the trailer and say “hey, that looks like a fun beer and pretzels game to play with my family and friends.” And it is!

You can go to Target right now, get the Starter Set box right now and be playing in an hour. No books anywhere near the

Owlbears! Displacer Beasts! Mimics! Gelatinous Cubes! Non-fire-breathing Dragons!

rule book the size of the Bible

Right? I’ve seen several headlines that are like “lol lame” but that trailer was pretty damn good.

This actually looks better than it has any right to.

Come on now, try to be inclusive, most organized religions have that problem on some level.

Again and again, this is partly religious and partly economic. Before women poured into the workforce in the late 60s/early 70s, your average white man had an unpaid indentured servant who performed cooking, housework and childcare in exchange for free room and board, leaving Daddy free to smoke and work. This was

In this issue of Mel Magazine:
Celebrities and their jets!
Are you good at kissing grits? The answer might surprise you!
Where do you get the sexiest goobalinis?

In some ways heartbreak created Madame Web. Possibly, we cannot know until it’s out on video.