
Thank you. I’ve never seen a Rob Zombie film, had no idea his wife was cast, never saw the old Munsters and looked at this article with genuine curiosity and didn’t expect the criticisms from people about how it’s shot and how his wife, blah blah blah. Pop Culture addicts exist to complain; nothing can be good enough,

lol the audio is blown out and there’s an overuse of HDR and digital post-processing, it looks bad in a 2006 way not a 1960s way. It doesn’t look like an old tv show or a B-movie or anything like that, it looks more like that first Lonely Island sketch where they eat lettuce or maybe a church youth group video.

Yeah, I’m in the same boat. This movie clearly looks like it’s being made to be goofy camp, with an old fashioned style. It’s not meant to be high cinema.

Easy to way to have immediately known this was insurance (and GoFundMe) fraud: literally NO ONE would be spray painting Biden2020 on anything.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game!?

Saw it at a festival a couple months back. I liked it a lot. The article leaves out that this actually happened with James Morosini and his real life father, and that Morosini is essentially playing himself. Fantastic performance from Patton Oswalt. But if you’re not a fan of cringe humor, it’s probably not for you.

This feels like a scam by Morosini to be able to kiss Oswalt.

There needs to be a band called “Meth-Cookin’ Undies”. I imagine they’d sound like Primus doing Gordon Lightfoot covers.

Kudos to the organizers to have the balls to let their creators describe their thoughts without muzzeling them on behalf of their sponsors.

That’s awesome, kudos to this guy

Also, that post was too well written to be the impostor.

He hasn’t been around for a while. Also, I didn’t say anything racist or sexist.

I have to admit that I didn’t know that the phrase originated from 40K, but I’ve just been reading up on the whole thing and it turns out my interpretation of the word was wrong, I thought it was when something is bleak or depressing but it’s clear now that it’s far, far worse than that, and you’re absolutely right

No lie, if drake can get called out for some predatory shit for texting MBB, we gotta do the same to her.

I don’t think calling a fascist human empire the Good guys was right.

“The Ancient Aliens film is people!”

I think there’s probably a few things from the ‘90s when comics overall were in “XTREEEEEEEEM” mode that probably qualify, or at least come close. Mr Zsasz has always kind of had that kind of vibe IIRC. But that’s probably more a cultural thing rather than a Batman-specific thing.

I so associate the term “grimdark” with 40K that for years I thought they invented the word. 

I think Grimdark is definitely over used, but there have been definitely some Batman stories which fit the description, the run from Tom King where Professor Pig was torturing Batman both physically and mentally was deeply fucked up (issue 62+), and a major character was recently killed off who had been with Batman

I think grimdark has become a term that just pretty much lost meaning at this point.