Or Indy learns how not to crash planes?
Or Indy learns how not to crash planes?
If you’re doing it naked.... okay, maybe, but you’re still leaving a massive carbon footprint but burning all that wood.
If I could keep giving you stars I would. One of the best movies ever. EV-ER!
Wait, how long has Aaron Rodgers been in New York?...
At first I thought “did someone find Lorde a comb?”
Holy shit. If you would have swapped “CSI:Vegas” with “Murder She Wrote” I would have accused you of plagiarizing a copy of TV Guide from 1989.
I’m so totally there! Throw in an AI running all the abandoned animatronics and some skintight spandex... /drool
I’m still waiting for Panama Jackson’s guide to parenting called “These Feral Monsters Tryin’ To Kill Me.”
<hides desktop icon for Rimworld>
Book of D’ondre, Chapter 6, Verse 16:
I openly hated the last episode. I was wrong to despair. Sure the ending was pure Star Wars cheese but gat dammit if you don’t want some Star Wars cheese now and then.
Shhhhh, The Gatekeepers of the EU know all, dontcha know?
Never have I ever...
Well, since I was raised by wolves after I escaped from the lab that spawned me, I know nothing of this “job” thing you speak of.
It’s a solid B+!
If you mean that in the “shouldn’t have been made for another 100 years” sense, I totally agree.
Do children learn bad habits from their parents? =)
Brought to you by the crew that gave Rampage starring The Rock a higher rating than Endgame.